Good Morning, and thanks for the invite.


Mar 24, 2022
Good Morning All,
Donna and I have been casually interested in raising ducks for some time, perhaps our neighbor raising chickens and goats is what 'got us off the couch', or the fact that our grand daughter that lives right next door needing some outside joy.. Either way, after a considerable amount of research and reading, we have committed to raising three Silver Appleyard females this season on our large piece of property in a rural setting. Being in northern Illinois, we are very cognizant of the temperature requirements of the new family additions and when they can tolerate the temperature swings in a May time-frame. Luckily, we found your site, and I believe our strategy is now set thanks to all the friendly guidance. Our girls are expected to arrive on April 19th from Metzer's and I do believe we have all the equipment necessary to raise them in a sanitary and predictable way. Just got back from the store yesterday with the brooder gear and we are planning on keeping the little ones inside and under a heat lamp per guidance from site members. A chief benefit to our location is that we have a 1/4 mile wide pond in the forest preserve right next to the property just a few minute walk (or waddle) away. Bug buffet would be an understatement. Goals for the girls when they are ready. As one would expect, we have a number of predators in the area, hawks, eagles, weasels, possums, mongoose, raccoons, and even a few coyotes, so we will be completely enclosing them when outside with a large chain-link pen with a roof and a large doghouse with a door for the evenings.. Numbering among the friendlies, sand hill cranes, herrons, uncountable small bird species, turtles, and a zillion minnows in the lake courtesy of the county. Thank you so much for being with us on this amazing journey and looking forward to participating and reporting in regularly once the little quackers arrive.

kind regards,
Bob and Donna
Thank you for the welcome. Yes indeed a drake is in the plan, we have more than enough property to grow the patrol to 20 or so, but wanted to use this first season just to get the basics nailed down and perfect our stewardship on a smaller scale. Defense of the girls is top of mind in our setting. We have even considered a couple of geese next season for predator alarms, thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Signal Corps when we had a goose for a mascot at the detachment, named Gretta. Anyone come to the door she didnt know and everyone knew it...Funny thing, I came across an old picture years later of my great grand father in the signal corps in WWI, next to his unit's goose. Who knew... Jury is still out on that one with my daughter next door, who is probably the world's lightest sleeper hehe.

Breeding, incubation and the other important steps we plan on undertaking next season. Pardon the phrase 'baby steps'... Again, thanks!

kind regards,
Bob and Donna
Welcome to BYC. Glad to meet you. Enjoy those birds!

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