Good treats for baby chicks?

All of my babies would'nt touch the yogurt ( with their beaks that is, would run thru the dish and make a mess). I dipped my finger in it and bam they attacked my finger. 43 week and a half olds attacked me. They eat it off my finger but not out of the bowl. I started them on chick-grit on day 3. Started by sprinkling some with their feed now just have a extra feeder with grit in it and they get what they want and go back to the feed. They love mealworms but get the runs after. Try to give a half to each chick but gets confusing because they're like sharks in a frenzy.
Shells are ok as long as they have been dried and rinsed. If any doubt let em dry another day.
My week old chicks have refused plain yogurt and egg yolks! However, they went crazy over a ritz cracker my daughter dropped in their brooder haha! They LOVE alfalfa hay, will scratch and peck at it for hours!! Hilarious to watch. Otherwise I just give them crumbles, no grit yet. This forum is very helpful, thanks everyone!
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I don't understand giving baby chicks boiled eggs... I'm very new to the chicken world but the idea of babies eating eggs of their own kind sounds kind of wrong to me. Am I crazy?
I thought I was the only one! It totally grosses me out...since they wouldn't have a boiled egg in wild right?? Unless these hens can cook ;)
I think I will keep reading up on it all. Thanks everyone for the tips. I am really enjoying my chicken babies.
I don't understand giving baby chicks boiled eggs... I'm very new to the chicken world but the idea of babies eating eggs of their own kind sounds kind of wrong to me. Am I crazy?
Well, when chicks are developing inside the egg, and just after they hatch, they are absorbing the yolk. That is what feeds them. So why is it gross for them to eat the same thing when they are a little older? It is a very good source of protein for them.
This thread has been very helpful. I just got my first chicks today and was also wondering about roosts, treats, grit, etc. Thank you everyone for your help!
Well, when chicks are developing inside the egg, and just after they hatch, they are absorbing the yolk. That is what feeds them. So why is it gross for them to eat the same thing when they are a little older? It is a very good source of protein for them.
That is exactly my thinking on this as well. I don't see it as any different than a baby calf drinking milk or any similar scenarios. The nutrition in the eggs is made by nature to feed a growing chick embryo, so I don't think it is so much different that it feeds already hatched chicks as well.
No, I have mine the yolk of a hard boiled egg at 3 days old. Don't be surprised if they are hesitant at first.... They can be leery of new foods at first :)
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