Good treats for baby chicks?

My girls and one roo are 6 weeks old. They like carrot shavings, lettuce, leaf worms, slugs (they found them by their selves), maple tree leaves, and grass clippings. I wasn't too sure how early they should have treats so they started getting little bits of grass around two weeks.
My girls are also 6 weeks old. They LOVE watermelon -- I gave them a big slice and within 15 minutes they had eaten it down to the green rind! They also love dried mealworms, lettuce and spinach from my garden, and blueberries!
Hi all!
I make treats for my dogs using plain yogurt, fresh mint and parsley. I then freeze in ice cube trays. Can I give these to my chicks? They are three weeks old. If so can I give it when it's frozen or do I need to let it thaw some?

Also, can they get scrambled eggs made with milk or butter or does it just have to be plain eggs?

Hi first visit since chicks arrived. Backyard Chicken posts suggested a 1/2 " branch as perch and for their 1 week celebration found a perfect one and gave clover treat. What fun!
I have two Buff Orpington,two Rhode island reds, two Spsckled Sussex and three Dominique hens. And one Dominique rooster. Wanted some adventure...and color in life. :)
I am concerned about out cat when the chicks go to the coop. We have a sand run and good hardware cloth for portection.
Meema..... once your chickens are big enough they'll put a cat in its place. My moms cat got in to their chicken run about two weeks ago and the rooster backed Her into a corner and kept her there until my dad went to see what all the ruckus was about. Her chickens are about 10-12 weeks old.
We are new to Chickens so all this info is great. We have 17 grown and 16 Chicks 6- 10 weeks. The grown ones loved the watermelon we put in, but the babies didn't seem as interested. Everyone loves the dried Mealworm we have put in.
I fed my two week old chicks some watermelon yesterday. Some did not like it, others ate it right up! The older girls and the horses loved it!
Meema..... once your chickens are big enough they'll put a cat in its place. My moms cat got in to their chicken run about two weeks ago and the rooster backed Her into a corner and kept her there until my dad went to see what all the ruckus was about. Her chickens are about 10-12 weeks old.
Thanks for that report...I can breath and be watchful. SO LUVING this experience so far.

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