Good treats for baby chicks?

I have some 2 day old Rhode Island Reds and I believe 1 1/2 week old Black Australops, about a week old Buff Orpingtons & Id say about a weeks old Guineas. Tried tomatoe slice with them na! One few of the Orpingtons checked it out, the others wanted nothing to do with it. I guess perhaps in a few weeks I'll try again.
I have some 2 day old Rhode Island Reds and I believe 1 1/2 week old Black Australops, about a week old Buff Orpingtons & Id say about a weeks old Guineas.  Tried tomatoe slice with them na! One few of the Orpingtons  checked it out, the others wanted nothing to do with it.  I guess perhaps in a few weeks I'll try again.
clover works well
OK am I the only one which sees the problem with feeding hard boiled eggs to a chicken? Wouldn't that be like someone feeding us eggs out of our wife?
Just seems kind of wrong to me.

A chicken egg is simply nutritional storage that the mother hen provides for the young chick to grow on. Not only is it ok for them, but it is ideal because that is what it was meant for = chicken growth.
Meema..... once your chickens are big enough they'll put a cat in its place. My moms cat got in to their chicken run about two weeks ago and the rooster backed Her into a corner and kept her there until my dad went to see what all the ruckus was about. Her chickens are about 10-12 weeks old.

Did you see the Facebook video of a hen eating the cat's food, kind of fun watching the exchange and cat's reaction LOL
Would appreciate info on handling month old chicks. Have handled almost dAily but they are shy and younger ones certainly flighty. Tried marshmallows but poor results. They Aren't very happy to stay or rest in lap. What to do?
Mema I haven't seen the video. I don't have face book but it sounds hilarious.
They should come around once they get a little older. My husband says I make him sick cuz my girls follow me around and when they were smaller they would perch on my knee and arms. They still try to get on my shoulder if I bend down for to long.
This is what my babies got: Kale, mealworms, & a little corn. I also
gave them chick grit.

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