Good treats for baby chicks?

I have the same questions. I didnt see grit in the feed shop and was embarrased to ask- do you just use sand or is there special 'chicken grit' products? Is there an amount to give or do you just 'free feed' it and trust that they know how much to eat? My big girls are almost 3 weeks old and have not had any treats- I would love to give them some. Would giving hard boiled eggs teach them to enjoy the taste of egg? will they eventually ruin their eggs when they are laying because they like the taste?
thank you!
My chicks went out in the composter at age 2-3 days. There they immediately found microscopic insects, so small that I could not see them, and various bits of compost veggies to eat. Chicks being taught to forage by momma hen do not eat only chick starter! Treats in moderation (keeping in mind their tiny body size) should be ok. I used sand for grit.
I managed to hatch out a single Serama last summer, and despite keeping a close eye on him at all times, he managed to make off with all kinds of treats I didn't think he should have. LOL Canned cat food, Mexican food, cake crumbs, several sips of coffee and cola, one unlucky Styrofoam peanut... Seriously, it was like he had radar - within a minute of my sitting down with a plate of food, bam! He'd fly right up and snatch something off the plate. So, I kinda got over being paranoid about his diet and just tried to keep him from away from anything overly spicy, salty, or greasy, and keep the other stuff in moderation. And, as of today, he's happy, healthy, and full of attitude.
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The Tractor Supply here sells chick grit - I've been giving mine some of that.

Last night I gave some mealworms - the silly babies didn't get the idea that they were food right away. Then I "accidentally" opened the package of small crickets that I got at Petco. My 11 babies had 36 of those things gone in a matter of moments. They then started digging through the shavings and found some of the mealworms. Then it was a free-for-all. The mealworms kind of freak me out, but if the kids like them, then they'll get them.

I also grabbed some clover leaves from the yard so they could try some green veggies. It took them a while to turn on to them too, but they were all gone this morning! (We don't fertilize our yard or put any chemicals out there, so I figured it was safe!)

These kids are SO much fun - I'm hooked!
Please, Lord, keep me from going overboard with this!!!
I have one week olds and I couldn't resist feeding them raw corn a few days after I got them. They love it!! Of course, fresh corn is probably hard to find in most parts of the country right now but if you can, get one and strip it, chop it up and hand feed it to them. They go from 0 to 60 in 2 seconds trying to snatch a piece of corn from one another. I figure fresh corn was okay since I'm feeding them the dried kind anyway. Plus it has more water content to keep them hydrated!
I used this forum and asked if beach sand was o.k., it was, so I give mine rinsed beach sand-they love it. I gave them boiled egg to start with, then yogurt. They wound up wearing more than they ate so I tried putting Quaker Oats in it. Still too much of a mess and they didn't like it as well. The cooked, cut up spaghetti was as much fun for me as it is for them. Even though there are 3 dishes set out with noodles in them, they feel the need to try and take the piece the first chick got away. Now that they are 3 weeks old, I put half a peeled banana in the pen for them to peck. I also gave them a zuke but they didn't seem to interested in it. They love chopped grapes too!

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