Good treats for baby chicks?

Mine go crazy over cooked ramen noodles. I cook, cool them and then toss with grapenuts, bulgur wheat, ground corn, rolled oats, a can of tuna or any combo of those. The grains soak up the extra moisture and keep the noodles (broken up before I cook them) from sticking together. This way they grab 1" sections of noodles and play 'keep away' with them just like they were worms! Best entertainment I've had in a while! Of course I don't get out much. HA!
I'm reading these posts on giving yogurt as treats to the chicks, what do you mix it with?
I'm glad I found this thread, my babies are 2+weeks old.
I've been feeding boiled eggs mashed and now a boiled egg with grit.
Put a box of coarse sand in the brooder for grit and dust bathing.

I'll be trying different treats recommended in this thread as they grow.
Ok, strange question here, I know chicks eat bugs but are there any that they shouldn't eat, my babies will be in my basement until its warm enough for them to move to my extra horse stall in the barn, but I get those nasty elder bugs with the redish wings, and the lady bugs that are actually bark beatles in my house every fall they are just now waking up and crawling all over the place ( spring is finally coming to Wi. it got 45 yesterday Yippy) anyway they will evenually get in the brooder, will it hurt the chicks if they eat them? my cats have been torturing them for days already but I haven't seen them eat 1 just play with it. Help??? Kim

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