GOOSE BREEDING THREAD - for breeding, incubating, hatching and rearing.

Yes, geese are a funny (and finicky) bird. My partner has 'issues' with my gander as well (or is it 'my gander has 'issues' with my partner?), I'm still not sure of the answer to that one...but their mutual dislike of each other is slowly becoming a mutual disinterest, which suits me just fine. At least that way, nobody gets 'goosed'.

Yes, geese are a funny (and finicky) bird. My partner has 'issues' with my gander as well (or is it 'my gander has 'issues' with my partner?), I'm still not sure of the answer to that one...but their mutual dislike of each other is slowly becoming a mutual disinterest, which suits me just fine. At least that way, nobody gets 'goosed'.


How true and funny at the same time .....
What is the most expensive breed of goose
That is really a hard one to answer because so many factors would come into play. If you are talking about hatchery quality (not show) domestic geese then probably either the Sebastopol or the Large Dewlap Toulouse which can easily cost in the neighborhood of 60.00 each. However if you are looking for registered breeding stock and show quality you could be looking at several hundred dollars to over a thousand dollars each. If you are talking about "exotics" that you can legally own you would be looking at cost in the multiple thousands per bird and that would not include the cost of trapping, quarantine and medical, shipping and permitting.
It would have to be the red breasted goose they can cost up to 1500!
I had to look it up since I had never heard of them.

That is gorgeous.

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