Goose Cool Down??


6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
Dallas, tx
I have foster gosling at my house who cannot have access to a pool for extended periods of time due to an injury.. I am trying to keep him comfortable...butpants a lot..when i am at home i am constantly changing out ice packs under his bedding and I keep fans on him at all time. When i am at work my neighbors come around and do it! I leave a cooler with Ice cubes with frozen peas, and fruits in them so they can toss them into a bowl of water to help cool him off. I also went and bought a billion of those ice packs for lunch boxes and keep them in the cooler for my neighbors to trade out. I wrapped them in zip lock bags and packing tape to make he couldn't get into anything that may leak out of them

any tips on keeping him cool????
Goslings go through a couple of weeks when they overheat so easily. He should outgrow it soon - when they're covered in feathers it seems those insulate them way better than the down from both cold and heat.

Meanwhile, the ice packs are a great idea. I used them myself at night for a gosling one hot summer - I could almost hear the sizzle from those hot feet when she went to rest on the ice pack. She needed to be placed on the ice pack, though - she never figured it out by herself.

Any chance you can provide him with some extra shade besides the tree, like a parasol or an umbrella? From what I saw yesterday on his live stream (yes, I also check in on him - he's so cute!) it seemed that little spots of sunlight could reach the pen.
Oh he is on a covered patio! The patio is shaded by the tree so there is even less direct sun! This is good to know. I've been worried about the panting and was afraid!
I posted this to the other thread but also saw this one.
I remember being in an outdoor open concept shopping area once and they had some kind of fan that had a built in water source. It sprayed lightly on you (and the air) as you walked through. It was MUCH cooler in that spot. It was smallish.....and didn't hold a ton of water. It was something along this line if I remember right.

PS this one attaches to your hose :)
I posted this to the other thread but also saw this one.
I remember being in an outdoor open concept shopping area once and they had some kind of fan that had a built in water source. It sprayed lightly on you (and the air) as you walked through. It was MUCH cooler in that spot. It was smallish.....and didn't hold a ton of water. It was something along this line if I remember right.

PS this one attaches to your hose :)
That sounds awesome!
As I recall the fan mister didn't actually put forth enough water to get you wet unless you were standing right in front of it. Even then it was just a mist. But it sure did cool down that spot :)

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