goose eggs incubated upright: update with pic air cell looks weird


8 Years
Nov 28, 2011
San Diego Ca
Ok I recieved Sebastopol and duck eggs in mail air cells were very floppy so I followed guide thate says stand on small end and dont turn for 6 days. Since then ihave been tilting from side to side 3 times a day and misting and cooling once a day. But last night I read that I should have lain them on side. tomorrow is day I move to still air bator for last three days. What should I do. air cells are large and eggs have lost weight. My first try at ducks and geese. ::/

Ok I candled eggs and moved to still air bator. I also have 9 pekin ducks in there. only one goose alive, I saw fluttery movement when I candled, The air cell has two dips, here is what air cell on goose egg looks like. oh and egg went from 5 oz since beginning incubation to 4.1 or 4.2 oz tomorrow is day 25 I will increase humidity then.
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Absolutely, if you candle them to see the aircells place them dip side up. You will see where the aircels shouldn't be round, but one side will dip/drop down the egg from the fat end towards the narrow end. Keep this dip up and you can watch for them to pip (making a dimple hole from inside) to start the hatching process.
ohhh I wish I was putting mine in lockdown! I have 3 weeks to go and its killing me! Best of luck with your little egg. I hope all goes well for you.
I recently hatched 6 out of 12 shipped (chicken) eggs in which the air cells all looked wonky like the one in your pic. I was very surprised to have that much success! I had not read the advice to not turn them so I incubated as I normally would. I hope yours fare as well as mine, or better! :)
Jen Thank you! I have goose baby fever I so hope this one hatches. I have three more that are fertile but won't hatch for about three more Weeks! We can wait together. Keep me posted on your progress.:)
Might be a bit late after all these replies

but i has chicken eggs like that [shipped]

its where they travel on their sides and the aircell pushes itself to find its centre of gravety

i had to assist my egg out but yours looks big enough to hatch on its own

i have 3 more eggs in the same boat and 6 duck egg set 2 days ago

good luck with it

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