Gosling with a severed foot.

Thanks for all of your kind words and advice! He's doing much better tonight! I started playing classical music for him while I change bandaged and re-dress the wounds. It makes it easier on both of us! He also had a house call from his vet to make sure things were looking good.

He can definitely sense my moods and keeps an eye on me. I've been keeping that in mind as I've gone about our day.

His wounds are already seeming to be healing after being reopened yesterday, and he's been eating and drinking like crazy! I'm giving him loads of greens and special treats after treatment, and put electrolyte (savachick) I. His water. I've also been rotating ice packs wrapped in towels to keep him cool (aside from his fan). He seems to like that. His mirror and the ducks kept him company all day. He's a lot happier than he was 24 hours ago. So am I.
Thanks for all of your kind words and advice! He's doing much better tonight! I started playing classical music for him while I change bandaged and re-dress the wounds. It makes it easier on both of us! He also had a house call from his vet to make sure things were looking good.

He can definitely sense my moods and keeps an eye on me. I've been keeping that in mind as I've gone about our day.

His wounds are already seeming to be healing after being reopened yesterday, and he's been eating and drinking like crazy! I'm giving him loads of greens and special treats after treatment, and put electrolyte (savachick) I. His water. I've also been rotating ice packs wrapped in towels to keep him cool (aside from his fan). He seems to like that. His mirror and the ducks kept him company all day. He's a lot happier than he was 24 hours ago. So am I.
Sounds like he is getting the best care available, Your doing as great job. I bet your in love too.
Thanks for doing all that you are doing for this poor guy. I find that I check in on him with the streaming cam couple of times a day to see how he's doing......he looks content in his hospital run

Do you know what kind of goose he is? He sure is a beauty even with his fashion footwear.
I bought my goslings a hanging parrot toy while they were still in the brooder to give them something to do. I hung it across the enclosure with a wooden dowel, it had wooden bits and a dangly bell, which they could peck at. Dunno if maybe Hobart would enjoy something like that.
Bless for taking on what must be quite an expense caring for the gosling. He sure is lucky to have found you.
Thanks for all of your kind words and advice! He's doing much better tonight! I started playing classical music for him while I change bandaged and re-dress the wounds. It makes it easier on both of us! He also had a house call from his vet to make sure things were looking good.

He can definitely sense my moods and keeps an eye on me. I've been keeping that in mind as I've gone about our day.

His wounds are already seeming to be healing after being reopened yesterday, and he's been eating and drinking like crazy! I'm giving him loads of greens and special treats after treatment, and put electrolyte (savachick) I. His water. I've also been rotating ice packs wrapped in towels to keep him cool (aside from his fan). He seems to like that. His mirror and the ducks kept him company all day. He's a lot happier than he was 24 hours ago. So am I.
So pleased you´re both doing better. Well done, Vickers.
He pants a lot..when i am at home i am constantly changing out ice packs under his bedding and I keep fans on him at all time. When i am at work my neighbors come around and do it! I leave a cooler with Ice cubes with frozen peas, and fruits in them so they can toss them into a bowl of water to help cool him off. I also went and bought a billion of those ice packs for lunch boxes and keep them in the cooler for my neighbors to trade out. I wrapped them in zip lock bags and packing tape to make he couldn't get into anything that may leak out of them

any tips on keeping him cool????
He pants a lot..when i am at home i am constantly changing out ice packs under his bedding and I keep fans on him at all time. When i am at work my neighbors come around and do it! I leave a cooler with Ice cubes with frozen peas, and fruits in them so they can toss them into a bowl of water to help cool him off. I also went and bought a billion of those ice packs for lunch boxes and keep them in the cooler for my neighbors to trade out. I wrapped them in zip lock bags and packing tape to make he couldn't get into anything that may leak out of them

any tips on keeping him cool????
Goodness, you´re doing so much for him, now you have the neighbours involved! What a nice bunch of folks you all are.
Here the temperatures get quite high in the summer, and the geese go under the shade of the trees, which is noticeably cooler. He´s in a shed, isn´t he? Is it a lot hotter in the shed than outside in the shade? I wondered if it would be possible to either get him outside in a shady area under a tree, or whether it´s possible to put another cover over the top of the shed he´s in to give it some insulation, or to lay lots of branched withleaves over the top, or bundles of grass wrapped up, etc, to keep the temperature down from the heat coming through the roof. Make sense?
Goodness, you´re doing so much for him, now you have the neighbours involved! What a nice bunch of folks you all are.
Here the temperatures get quite high in the summer, and the geese go under the shade of the trees, which is noticeably cooler. He´s in a shed, isn´t he? Is it a lot hotter in the shed than outside in the shade? I wondered if it would be possible to either get him outside in a shady area under a tree, or whether it´s possible to put another cover over the top of the shed he´s in to give it some insulation, or to lay lots of branched withleaves over the top, or bundles of grass wrapped up, etc, to keep the temperature down from the heat coming through the roof. Make sense?

OH, NO NO NO, HEAVENS NO HE'S NOT IN A SHED! That made my stomach hurt just thinking about it! We live in Texas... its already up into the 90's here! I can barely stand being outside so i know its gotta be hot with all that downy feather coverage.

He is on our covered patio. We have a HUGE tree in the yard that gives my ducks plenty of shade... but they also have access to pools and mud. I have been letting him have a swim right before i take his bandages off so he gets a little swim time but the wound gets cleaned out immediately and dried off with clean dressings. Its basically got a dog paw protector on it now... its like a balloon. It has kept the muck out and away from the gauze and out of the wound.

I have never taken care of a goose... but from what i have read they get hot easily.

i would punch someone for keeping a goose in the shed during the summer... :(

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