Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

So sad. The goslings were getting big and stinky so it was time for them to move from the house to the chick workshop. I put them in their brooder, cuddled them for a while, and then had to walk away from four goslings crying for me to come back :( I'll go check on them later when it gets dark and make sure they have settled in and are okay. Was so sad to have to leave them crying.
Ok, thanks.
Can I just use Vegemite? That is high in vitamin B and they give it to chicks.

Congratulations on your new goslings!!!! They are so cute

Why would you give Vegemite to anything that you liked!?!
My sister brought some back when she lived in Melbourne area. I guess you have go grow up with it to palate it.
Hubby and I snuck away for 3 days this week, first time in years to leave the farm, as it's too hard to get a sitter. I told my brother about the incubator and how to turn the eggs, and the humidity. I was so glad I checked as soon as I got home, however, because one of the turkey eggs had revolted, sweated goo, and there was a stinky puddle under it.

That thing got tossed post haste and everyone else got candled, whether they needed it or not! That's only happened to me once, and of course it would be while I'm gone. Otherwise, it was a wonderful break. Three duck eggs about ready to hatch any time now (already internally pipped, it looks like), and some goose eggs that are also due anytime, but my light is lousy for seeing through the goose shells.

Reece, in the meantime, has had all kinds of fun mindlessly picking on his two duck buddies and one hapless turkey poult. I'd really like to get some goose buddies for him soon.
Maybe I should send him to be with Malcolm!
I am pleased. All 5 of the dewlaps are represented and each of the ganders have 2 off spring in this bunch. Napoleon is the oddball, so I was surprised that I got a grey from her. If it would have been a buff I would have no idea who the father was.

I am sure it will be quite fun to watch them develop!!
So on Sunday my babies will be three weeks old. I still remember their eggs weighing 5.8 ounces, 5.8 ounces, and 6.5 ounces before incubation began. Funny enough, Wonder, the only male, hatched from the 6.5 ounce egg. It just occurred to me that I might want to study that next year...

Anyway, I joined this thread for advice and "support" during their incubation and initial growth. But now that mine are getting a bit older, I find myself reading this everyday, waiting SO EAGERLY for next laying season! I already know I'll probably be hatching out every egg my girls put down!

This thread is turning into a big tease now, lol!
I read some answers which I will address but I have a very urgent matter!!!

My female gosling Sebastopol was by herself with her beau all day today, since I was visiting my aunt in hospice. So, I let them swim for the first time, since I needed to enjoy watching them. Unfortunately, my daughter noticed my girl's bleeding umbilicord.So I used Hydrogen Peroxide and then Iodine. I am watching her to ensure she does not pick at it. They are just under a week old, and I used warm water in the tub (they LOVED it) then blow dryer and a heater.
I am really concerned about this bit of blood. I should not see this. Should I worry, or relax?

I really want these to thrive, they cost $140 to purchase TWO!!!.
She is sleeping under my chin now, and I will tuck them in with me tonight in bed rather than their box.

Confirmtion of ok Geese?

nervous owner.
I read some answers which I will address but I have a very urgent matter!!!

My female gosling Sebastopol was by herself with her beau all day today, since I was visiting my aunt in hospice. So, I let them swim for the first time, since I needed to enjoy watching them. Unfortunately, my daughter noticed my girl's bleeding umbilicord.So I used Hydrogen Peroxide and then Iodine. I am watching her to ensure she does not pick at it. They are just under a week old, and I used warm water in the tub (they LOVED it) then blow dryer and a heater.
I am really concerned about this bit of blood. I should not see this. Should I worry, or relax?

I really want these to thrive, they cost $140 to purchase TWO!!!.
She is sleeping under my chin now, and I will tuck them in with me tonight in bed rather than their box.

Confirmtion of ok Geese?

nervous owner.

Aside from that bit of blood, is she acting normal? If so, you can stop worrying.

It sounds like the scab may have come off, which is fine. And as long as she wasn't shooting blood out of her belly like someone hit a main artery, then she'll be fine. A little bit of bleeding, like you might see from a normal cut, is definitely not life threatening.

When these guys first hatch, their main blood vessels are right there near the belly button. If it gets damaged somehow, you will see blood shooting out, way up into the air! When that happens, they die from simple blood loss. But as time goes by, their body shuts that "access" down and their skin begins to cover it up as well. It may be normal to see it get scratched, or even pecked at by another bird. But as long as you don't have that squirting blood, everything is okay.
Ok ive 8 babies under the heating lamp and two of them i took from a mother that hatched out 9 babies so i took two babies :) one is a pied tuff and its sister is all dark
oh and now 3 pairs of geese are walking around with their babies :)

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