Goslings of 2014 Hatch-a-long

My buff opr chicken hatched one, and it was white...but dead. I had candled just hours before! I must have missed it by a hour or less. So I checked the rest, and found a duckling internally pipped!! Finally I am gonna have a duckling!

Today, I took my two Sebbies to the local Jr. College. Annually they have tables set out to entice people to certain programs, so it is crowded. This was the first time they were out, with diapers on, leash attached. We were fine until we actually got there! Charles somehow backed out of his diaper and poop spilled out. So I swapped the diaper, and had to scoop both Charles and Diana up. My girls thankfully were waiting at a booth, discussing the polish pullet on my daughter's arm. This gave the goslings time to sit and watch lots of people walk by and exclaim how cute the "ducks" were. Once I had recovered from the initial chaos we started to walk again, but I carried both birds. I put them down when I got to the grass and they loved that. I decided the three teen girls I was with could wander while I sat on the grass. I had so many groups of people, young and old stop by to ooh and aah at the two "ducks" and was there something wrong with their tails because of the "thing" they were wearing.
I never get tired of my answers...actually it's a goose, Sebastopol goose, they are three weeks old...no actually it's pretty old breed....(we have a town named Sebastopol here in Sonoma County)...one boy and one girls, Charles and Diana, those are diapers, because they cannot hold it like we can, they love to eat grass, they are great weeders for a garden and what they produce is great for the garden. So it's like an ecosystem....(here in Sonoma county people are very much into self sustaining methods, we are kinda hippie that way).
I was very glad that even the 10 month old baby was gentle when they pet my babies. I only had one issue with a 5 year old that thought the leash was to "walk" them. So I explained that was just in case they got startled. I eventually took both diapers off, and they were fine. I let them waddle all the way back to the parking lot, where I scooped them up. It was a long walk, because my "ducks' were so cute and unusual.

I am hoping to use them in hospitals and retirement centers when they are older. I purchase Mother Goose's book Duck, There's a Goose in the House! and if you have not read that book it is wonderful so far. I am glued to the pages, and love the excerpts she added in there. I am just glad I am not the only one enamored by house ducks and geese.

My duckling has not come out yet, but I am waiting patiently...
Great account, thanks for the giggle.
I got an incubator for my birthday and a friend gave me 6 American buff goose eggs to hatch. I did tons of research before I started them, including reading Pete's article probably 10 times. Still asking myself why I had to pick the hardest thing to incubate my very first time
Out of the 6 eggs 1 was not fertile and 4 pretty much stopped growing at around 18 days. I'm just using a flashlight to candle the eggs so I kept them in the incubator a few more days to make sure. Once I was positive they weren't going to grow anymore I took them out. So I only have 1 egg that has made it so far. Sooooo, I'm at day 31 today and I still have no external pip. The egg has been wiggling around for the last couple of days and I'm beginning to feel like a nervous wreck. When should I start to worry? Leave it alone? Guess I'm just needing guidance and reassurance...
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I got an incubator for my birthday and a friend gave me 6 American buff goose eggs to hatch. I did tons of research before I started them, including reading Pete's article probably 10 times. Still asking myself why I had to pick the hardest thing to incubate my very first time
Out of the 6 eggs 1 was not fertile and 5 pretty much stopped growing at around 18 days. I'm just using a flashlight to candle the eggs so I kept them in the incubator a few more days to make sure. Once I was positive they weren't going to grow anymore I took them out. So I only have 1 egg that has made it so far. Sooooo, I'm at day 31 today and I still have no external pip. The egg has been wiggling around for the last couple of days and I'm beginning to feel like a nervous wreck. When should I start to worry? Leave it alone? Guess I'm just needing guidance and reassurance...
Wish I could help maybe try PMing Iain Utah or RURU they use bators or psue. Can you candle and see if gosling has internally pipped?
I got an incubator for my birthday and a friend gave me 6 American buff goose eggs to hatch. I did tons of research before I started them, including reading Pete's article probably 10 times. Still asking myself why I had to pick the hardest thing to incubate my very first time
Out of the 6 eggs 1 was not fertile and 4 pretty much stopped growing at around 18 days. I'm just using a flashlight to candle the eggs so I kept them in the incubator a few more days to make sure. Once I was positive they weren't going to grow anymore I took them out. So I only have 1 egg that has made it so far. Sooooo, I'm at day 31 today and I still have no external pip. The egg has been wiggling around for the last couple of days and I'm beginning to feel like a nervous wreck. When should I start to worry? Leave it alone? Guess I'm just needing guidance and reassurance...
Has it pipped internally? If so, how long for? Is it making lots of happy peeping noises, or does it sound feeble?
You won´t hurt it by making a tiny hole chipped in the air-sac end so you can keep an eye on it. One big prob about doing this, is you then have to keep the membrane damp enough for the baby to get out, which means very regularly spraying.
I got an incubator for my birthday and a friend gave me 6 American buff goose eggs to hatch. I did tons of research before I started them, including reading Pete's article probably 10 times. Still asking myself why I had to pick the hardest thing to incubate my very first time
Out of the 6 eggs 1 was not fertile and 4 pretty much stopped growing at around 18 days. I'm just using a flashlight to candle the eggs so I kept them in the incubator a few more days to make sure. Once I was positive they weren't going to grow anymore I took them out. So I only have 1 egg that has made it so far. Sooooo, I'm at day 31 today and I still have no external pip. The egg has been wiggling around for the last couple of days and I'm beginning to feel like a nervous wreck. When should I start to worry? Leave it alone? Guess I'm just needing guidance and reassurance...
My Embdens often take 32 days. If it's still wiggling the little guy is alive. If your temperature was off by even one degree it can add a couple days. At this point I'd just watch. IMO if a baby can't externally pip on it's one it normally doesn't make it.
My Embdens often take 32 days. If it's still wiggling the little guy is alive. If your temperature was off by even one degree it can add a couple days. At this point I'd just watch. IMO if a baby can't externally pip on it's one it normally doesn't make it.
That´s true enough, most of the time. But it would just be so good for one to survive for her. I´m glad I leave it all up to the geese in the main!
I just cant tell for sure with using a flashlight if it has internally pipped or not. I also wear hearing aids and still haven't heard any clicking or peeping even when I hold the egg to my ear. But it is still wiggling. I think I will keep an eye on it thought the day and maybe consider a small hole in the end by the end of the day. Sound like a good plan?
I just cant tell for sure with using a flashlight if it has internally pipped or not. I also wear hearing aids and still haven't heard any clicking or peeping even when I hold the egg to my ear. But it is still wiggling. I think I will keep an eye on it thought the day and maybe consider a small hole in the end by the end of the day. Sound like a good plan?
I have a small LED flash light that works great for candling.

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