Got the girls home!


May 4, 2023
Greencastle, PA
They came yesterday! Not red stars like I was told but "blue" something...I already forgot. They were thirsty after their ride! They went through a gallon and a half of water yesterday afternoon.

They lay blue eggs and the variation between chickens is obvious. No eggs yet, the guy who dropped them off said some were laying already so I'll keep checking. These birds were dirty (that's dirt, not speckles), hopefully over time they'll clean up. Tractor seems pretty robust, not a fan of the wire bottom but I guess that's what it takes to keep predators out. I've been going out every couple hours to say hello and get them used to me, shaking that bag of mealworms like they're going out of style. Kinda magical, went out around sunset and they were still pecking around, gave them another 20 minutes and they were in the coop. They came right out this morning, but evidently don't like the rain and went back in for a while.

Guy that dropped them off said leave them in the pen for a week or two to get used to their surroundings, and then I can let them out for supervised forays.


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