Gotta get me some of these chickens

whoop whoop

Apr 26, 2015
Rainbow Nation
Our esteemed President (South African) has built himself a very opulent home using hundreds and millions of tax payers money. This is not the point though, here's the thing,the police commissioner said that 'the Presidents' security has been comprimised, because they had to switch off the sensors in the chicken area as they chickens were setting the sensors off'. Now I know that those sensors only go off at 40Kg or more so what kind of chickens has he got?
LOL! 40 kg is 88 lbs. and no chicken in history has ever weighed anywhere close to that. Even the largest turkey on record only weighed 86 lbs. Maybe your President has ostriches and doesn't know the difference between them and chickens. :eek:)
Maybe they just had boring ol motion sensors.

In which case why? Considering any critter sets those off!! (Had a house alarm with motion detectors once, back when I was younger. Mom set it on the wrong mode, dog set it off...poor girl was rather stressed out with that!
I can well believe that, when ours go off we all cuk ourselves, run around shutting and locking everything. They make such a noise. Then you have the security companyto deal with - they come armed to the teeth which is also a bit distressing.
Maybe a emu getting it off - that is just plain stupid - did they check the sensors for accuracy. A chicken could never weigh that much, unless it was armed to the teeth.

Chickens don't even have teeth
I don't think we have emus' - it was definitely chickens, but to give our commissioner due I think he got his motion sensors and beams mixed up

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