Granite vs Oyster Shell

I have been giving my hens oyster shell, but just learned about granite. Which one is the better choice?

Hi @njradcliffe :frow Welcome To BYC!

Oyster shell is a soluble form of calcium. It is used to supplement calcium in the diet, provide it free choice for your laying hens, they will take what they need.

Crushed granite (Poultry Grit) is insoluble. It is used in the gizzard to help process foodstuffs - think, grinding up corn, grass, fruit/veggies, etc. IF your soil is fairly rocky, you flock may find suitable grit in the soil, but personally I prefer to make Grit available as well. Just scatter some in the run or put it in a container that's attached to a post, they will take what they need.
I put out a dish of oyster shells and it just sits there. Then tried egg shells (baked crushed) and they are gone. Have tried it both ways several times with same results. Is this okay to stick with the egg shells?
You need to offer both. As stated above they do different things. Read article on chicken digestive system below.

I offer a hopper of grit and a hopper of oyster shell at all times.
These 2 items are about the cheepest things you can purchase for your chickens. I buy them in 50# bags and each lasts me about 2 years. I use the feeder pictured below, inside the coop to keep the oyster shell dry.
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I put out a dish of oyster shells and it just sits there. Then tried egg shells (baked crushed) and they are gone. Have tried it both ways several times with same results. Is this okay to stick with the egg shells?
If your eggs are hard and you aren't having problems, then egg shells are probably o.k. to use. I would still make oyster shell available.

Mine do utilize oyster shell and egg shells, but I also feed a fairly low calcium feed too.
I put out a dish of oyster shells and it just sits there. Then tried egg shells (baked crushed) and they are gone. Have tried it both ways several times with same results. Is this okay to stick with the egg shells?
Sure, but I would still leave the Oyster Shells.
I offer Oyster Shells in a 40 ounce pail with 3/32 holes drilled in the bottom to drain moisture.
My 3 years old Golden Comets consume very little Shells. My 7 months old Barred Rocks consume more per chicken, at least double. Maybe as a breed they need more? I don't know. The shells are good for both Flocks. I don't feed a Layers feed.
I also offer Poultry Grit for both Flocks in a separate pail.
If your shells are good, keep doing what works for you hi. GC
Egg shells "work" (sorta) but short term, oyster shell is longer term , unless you like soft egg shells make both available as the others have said. You may not notice them going but I'd wager they are, though my chickens will also eat the egg shells much quicker they certainly eat a bunch of oyster shells as well. It is much easier to notice with a larger flock (50+) they'll take what they need as they need it.
If you use layer feed you don't need oyster shell as that feed already has more calcium than they need. I use oyster sparingly as my all flock feed is only about 1% calcium.

If your birds have access to the ground they are digging and finding their own grit.
thanks everyone, I put out both today. They free grange in my small walled in yard. It’s all gravel, well it did have some kind of grass till the ladies had access to it now it’s bare.

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