Granny's gone and done it again

heyy How you get a pic of Russell ? I was so mad at him I bit his head off.
Rabbit brains!!! you zombie!

Sis says hi! Blossom cat is doing good. Looks about the same, has put on a little weight, all scabs healed, surgery incision healed, much less scratching, still waiting on her coat to grow back in. Cat and sis are completely bonded... they talk a lot to each other. Cat acts more like a dog, same as Henry.
I don't have a good pic, because unless she is sleeping, she never stops moving! I got LOTS of blurry pics!
Rabbit brains!!! you zombie!

Sis says hi! Blossom cat is doing good. Looks about the same, has put on a little weight, all scabs healed, surgery incision healed, much less scratching, still waiting on her coat to grow back in. Cat and sis are completely bonded... they talk a lot to each other. Cat acts more like a dog, same as Henry.
I don't have a good pic, because unless she is sleeping, she never stops moving! I got LOTS of blurry pics!
I'm really not comfortable with your doctor prescribing you a prescription sleep aid. You are so sensitive to medications. I honestly don't understand why they wouldnt want you taking melatonin when you slept well with it. Considering that you were on a steriods high & hadn't slept for 2 days straight. I believe that is why you slept for 21 hrs. Would hate to see you get dependant on a medication that your insurace won't cover a full month of.
yes and they are lowest mg . If they can be cut I will ask for 2mg next month and sleep all month ! hahahaa
Maybe she doesn't want you on it longer than that. Didn't she say something about trying to get you into the rhythm of sleeping? I think you should take one every night until they are gone and see if it regulates your sleep habits.

You get a picture Wishing ?
fuzzy wuzzy wuz a cat
fuzzy wuzzy never sat
fuzzy wuzzy pictures all are fuzzy!
I took some bunny pics today. 20180421_195649.jpg 20180421_200244.jpg

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