Granny's gone and done it again

I'm really not comfortable with your doctor prescribing you a prescription sleep aid. You are so sensitive to medications. I honestly don't understand why they wouldnt want you taking melatonin when you slept well with it. Considering that you were on a steriods high & hadn't slept for 2 days straight. I believe that is why you slept for 21 hrs. Would hate to see you get dependant on a medication that your insurace won't cover a full month of.
I understand your concerned . I have been having trouble sleeping for a while. This is the 3rd pill we have tried. I have tried melatonin before the steroids and it did the same thing then. Hangover , slept way too long . I dont know if its safe or not but its so nice to be able to sleep.
Maybe she doesn't want you on it longer than that. Didn't she say something about trying to get you into the rhythm of sleeping? I think you should take one every night until they are gone and see if it regulates your sleep habits.

fuzzy wuzzy wuz a cat
fuzzy wuzzy never sat
fuzzy wuzzy pictures all are fuzzy!
yes she did mention that but I know they are addictive like Lisa says.
At least fuzzy wuzzy is cozy and happy .
Maybe she doesn't want you on it longer than that. Didn't she say something about trying to get you into the rhythm of sleeping? I think you should take one every night until they are gone and see if it regulates your sleep habits.

fuzzy wuzzy wuz a cat
fuzzy wuzzy never sat
fuzzy wuzzy pictures all are fuzzy!
That's what all the doctors say when they are prescribing sleep medication. The problem being is most people that have sleeps problems just don't get into a normal sleep pattern. From my experience you just become dependent on the medication. If I had had success taking an over the counter sleep aid and had better sleep I would have never went to the prescription medication.
I understand your concerned . I have been having trouble sleeping for a while. This is the 3rd pill we have tried. I have tried melatonin before the steroids and it did the same thing then. Hangover , slept way too long . I dont know if its safe or not but its so nice to be able to sleep.
Looking up melatonin... possible drug interactions include blood thinners and blood pressure meds. Maybe that's why she doesn't want you taking it. :idunno
One thing I read says that consuming a lot of caffeine can while you take melatonin can cause your body to produce more... maybe that's why you are so sensitive to it, Mrs. Coffee. :)

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