Granny's gone and done it again

You see that post on FB ? She said I was calling her a drug addict. I wasnt or I guess I should say I didnt mean for it to come out that way. I was looking for advise from you guys on how to see the kids w/o dealing w/ the parents. I cant win no matter what I do or say .
Call legal aid, grandparents have rights.
You should have said, no I know you aren’t on drugs because last time you were they gave me the kids.
I like the black backgrounds. Poster board. It totally hides the filter . However I am not crazy about this black gravel w/ it. too much. :barnie The new tank doesnt have gravel and Im wondering if/what color I could mix w/ black and take half this black out then make them both half black and half ??
:lau Black with white!:lau
H20, I seen the video of your pups and sitting on the stool. What is the purpose in that ? That one on the stool seemed to be the best behaved then the one sitting acted like Bandit wanting to talk to you. The one that took off, no words. LOL First impression anyway.

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