Granny's gone and done it again

The bigger they are the harder they fall.
Hi all, I am a light weight. I drank maybe half of my margarita and was light headed. LOL
Pretty disappointed I didnt get a computer today. I found one but they were out of stock. So I picked a different one also out of stock. Nancy is going to order one for me. I was so cold while we were out and 3 stores later still couldnt find a sweater. Too late in the year I guess.
What about the food at lunch? That was good right? :fl

Lovely photos. You are like my sons, they both have the eye for it too. Natural. When I want a really good pic, I ask one of them.

I didn't get any photos, but I really like the Old world Sparrows that are around. But the fat round American tree sparrows are cute, too. I know the robin, but I'm trying to figure out what the little black bird is.
Yes, European Starling, invasive species. Coolest thing about them is when you see them from a distance flying in a swarm.
soar planet earth 2 GIF by BBC Earth
I am a lightweight too when it comes to alcohol. Even long before I ever took any meds! When I was about 16 mom said I should know what booze does to me so she cracked me open a beer. About an inch down into it, I said, I'm going to bed. This was about 6:30 in the evrning. I didn't wake up till about 9 the next morning. News flash: I am not a party girl, lol!

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