Granny's gone and done it again

Im sorry your in pain. I know that feeling. Drs finally found one I could tolerate but Im still way too high. My cholesterol has always been like this. I believe it to be hereditary.
That is what the gastroenterologist told me. Mine isn't horribly high but my triglycerides were higher than they needed to be which was the alarm. She said that heredity played a big part of it. I figured I still had a chance to control it without meds as while my mother's cholesterol ran very high, my dad was one of these guys who could eat fried eggs, gravy, biscuits, pork chops....well you get the idea and his total cholesterol never went above 170.

I found out I have to work at it and give up a lot of good food but I'll do it to stay off the meds. They made me sicker than a dog.

Thanks Granny. Sorry you are having a time with those brakes. My husband drives a 1986 VW Jetta diesel stick shift. That car is his baby. Well his baby decided to break a bolt on the manifold where it attaches to the engine and while trying to get to the needed repair he discovered that the sub frame is rusted out. Now he's trying to decide whether to attempt repairs on a 35+ year old car or pronounce it and move on.

Then this week his computer decided to crash so he has spent the last 4 days repairing it. But at least he has had one success repair story. Too bad you don't have somebody who would do that brake job for you. You need to put out the word around your neighborhood. Bet there is some talented gear head teen age guy around who would do it for a hundred bucks and a 12 pack of Coors. Probably all it needs is pads. What? 35$ more or less? 800 is ridiculous.

Never rains but it pours. As for the pain issue...that is why God and Science created Tramadol and heating pads. Lord knows taking it easy doesn't appear in my personal dictionary.
Cholesterol142 mg/dL<200 mg/dL
< 200 Desirable
200 - 239 Borderline High
>= 240 High
Triglyceride291 mg/dL<150 mg/dLH
< 150 Normal
150 - 199 Borderline High
200 - 499 High
>= 500 Very High
HDL29 mg/dL>=40 mg/dLL
> 60 Optimal
40 - 60 Acceptable
< 40 Low
LDL Calculated66 mg/dL<100 mg/dL
< 100 Optimal
100 - 129 Near or above optimal
130 - 159 Borderline High
160 - 189 High
>= 190 Very High
Non-HDL-C Calculated113 mg/dL<=129 mg/dL
<130 Desirable
130-159 Above Desirable
160-189 Borderline High
190-219 High
You only have two numbers you need to work on Granny.

Do you take omega oil supplements or eat tuna, salmon, sardines? Use olive oil? That will help those HDL numbers. Also increase fiber intake.

As for the Triglycerides complex carbs over simple. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice. Reduce sugar and desert intake, etc.

Looks like you are doing good with all the other numbers, though. Keep up the good work.

So Amish dude finally showed with the straw. Glad I didn't wait for him. I imagine the chickens are glad also. Just disillusions me that you have to nag people to get what they promise to pay you. We are going to be rethinking this deal next spring, believe me.

I think I'm spending the afternoon with my heating pad. We have leather sofa and love seat also, Granny. No problems but I have a blanket over them as the dogs are couch potatoes. No problems with the heat on the leather so far.
You only have two numbers you need to work on Granny.

Do you take omega oil supplements or eat tuna, salmon, sardines? Use olive oil? That will help those HDL numbers. Also increase fiber intake.

As for the Triglycerides complex carbs over simple. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice. Reduce sugar and desert intake, etc.

Looks like you are doing good with all the other numbers, though. Keep up the good work.

So Amish dude finally showed with the straw. Glad I didn't wait for him. I imagine the chickens are glad also. Just disillusions me that you have to nag people to get what they promise to pay you. We are going to be rethinking this deal next spring, believe me.

I think I'm spending the afternoon with my heating pad. We have leather sofa and love seat also, Granny. No problems but I have a blanket over them as the dogs are couch potatoes. No problems with the heat on the leather so far.
No, I dont take any supplements . Sometimes I use olive oil . I seldom cook.
Glad you finally got your straw!
Heating pad wont hurt the leather? Good to know, thank you. Think I will pull it out and give it a go.
Just make sure you have something between the heating pad and the sofa surface.

Think about it. Black cows stand out in the sun all day.

DH got his cholesterol down by adding an omega oil supplement to his diet and he eats a bowl of cheery-Os every morning. I do two omega oil supplements daily. Might want to ask your doc about it. I guess I'm lucky. Mine is a supporter of complimentary medicine. Herbs and the like. Along with the Omega, I do flaxseed oil and a liver cleanse supplement as I have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Doctor said just about everyone has it past a certain age but since I have been doing the herbal supplement, my liver profile numbers have improved immensely. Hey at my age I'll do whatever I have to!
You only have two numbers you need to work on Granny.

Do you take omega oil supplements or eat tuna, salmon, sardines? Use olive oil? That will help those HDL numbers. Also increase fiber intake.

As for the Triglycerides complex carbs over simple. Whole wheat pasta, brown rice. Reduce sugar and desert intake, etc.

Looks like you are doing good with all the other numbers, though. Keep up the good work.

So Amish dude finally showed with the straw. Glad I didn't wait for him. I imagine the chickens are glad also. Just disillusions me that you have to nag people to get what they promise to pay you. We are going to be rethinking this deal next spring, believe me.

I think I'm spending the afternoon with my heating pad. We have leather sofa and love seat also, Granny. No problems but I have a blanket over them as the dogs are couch potatoes. No problems with the heat on the leather so far.
What you eat has little to do with your cholesterol. It losing weight that helps. Not what you eat. I eat high fat meat ,eggs and cheese every day. As long as my weight doesn’t go up my cholesterol is great. You need cholesterol for many bodily functions. Do some research.

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