Granny's gone and done it again

What you eat has little to do with your cholesterol. It losing weight that helps. Not what you eat. I eat high fat meat ,eggs and cheese every day. As long as my weight doesn’t go up my cholesterol is great. You need cholesterol for many bodily functions. Do some research.
I have done research plus talked to my doctor.

We are just going to have to respectfully agree to disagree. all,: Saturated, trans and unsaturated.

Genetics does have some affect on how we as individuals process fats and cholesterol. As I said, my father wasn't skinny. He was a short little barrel of a man with legs who could eat what he wanted and never raise his cholesterol over 170. My mother on the other hand was 5-4 and about 145 pounds and her cholesterol ranged in the 300s. They both ate the same diet.

The Amish around us are skinny as rails for the most part and on average suffer a high rate of cardiovascular disease from their high fat high meat diets. Saturated and trans fatty acids are the main culprits, substances found in high fat diets.

It's proven that meats such as salmon and other fatty fish meat sources raise the good form of cholesterol in our bodies and help eliminate the bad cholesterol that can lead to clogged arteries and strokes. That came from my doctor who I would consider an expert on the subject. Being fat isn't healthy for anybody but what we eat even if we are skinny can potentially have an effect on our cholesterol levels depending on how your body processes fats.

What you might be able to eat and eat safely might cause someone else to drop in their tracks from a heart attack or stroke.

I had a neighbor years ago who had malignant hyperlipidemia. His cholesterol would range over 500. He ate basically a vegan diet along with meds trying to combat it. He fought a losing battle. He was not an overweight individual by a long shot. Just the luck of the draw.
That is what the gastroenterologist told me. Mine isn't horribly high but my triglycerides were higher than they needed to be which was the alarm. She said that heredity played a big part of it. I figured I still had a chance to control it without meds as while my mother's cholesterol ran very high, my dad was one of these guys who could eat fried eggs, gravy, biscuits, pork chops....well you get the idea and his total cholesterol never went above 170.

I found out I have to work at it and give up a lot of good food but I'll do it to stay off the meds. They made me sicker than a dog.

Thanks Granny. Sorry you are having a time with those brakes. My husband drives a 1986 VW Jetta diesel stick shift. That car is his baby. Well his baby decided to break a bolt on the manifold where it attaches to the engine and while trying to get to the needed repair he discovered that the sub frame is rusted out. Now he's trying to decide whether to attempt repairs on a 35+ year old car or pronounce it and move on.

Then this week his computer decided to crash so he has spent the last 4 days repairing it. But at least he has had one success repair story. Too bad you don't have somebody who would do that brake job for you. You need to put out the word around your neighborhood. Bet there is some talented gear head teen age guy around who would do it for a hundred bucks and a 12 pack of Coors. Probably all it needs is pads. What? 35$ more or less? 800 is ridiculous.

Never rains but it pours. As for the pain issue...that is why God and Science created Tramadol and heating pads. Lord knows taking it easy doesn't appear in my personal dictionary.
Tramadol really had bad side effects for me. Writing backwards, head spinning etc. Had to go home from work!
Tramadol really had bad side effects for me. Writing backwards, head spinning etc. Had to go home from work!
Guess I'm lucky Cap. As far as Tramadol is concerned as pain control goes. All it does for me is make the pain go away. It's about the only prescription pain med I can take that doesn't do nasty things to me. Everything else hits me hard. I see and dream about colors Crayola has only imagined on most of them so I can empathize.

Since I can't take any NSAIDS I don't have many alternatives, unfortunately. Wish I did.

How have you been feeling? Any word on that MRI yet?
Morning everyone. I need a coffee mug with this inscription on it this morning.
View attachment 3327483
I made the mistake of carrying two 20 pound jugs of water out to the coop last night. Knew better. Neck has been bothering me and I think I have a pinched nerve that has been raising merry H-E-double toothpicks with my left arm. Sure enough, up most of the night with pain in my left arm/shoulder and neck and just for fun the right arm decided it would join the party. Feels like I have a tooth ache in my arm and neck.

Anyhoo, Granny I'm glad you are able to tolerate the cholesterol meds. My body just wouldn't tolerate them. Doctors tried different ones and all gave me really unpleasant side effects. I finally begged my doctor to give me a chance to drop some weight and modify my diet more and see if that would bring my numbers down to a more acceptable level and he agreed. I've lost 27 pounds so far but the better news is I dropped my numbers to an acceptable range. Total cholesterol 190. I would like to lose about 5 more pounds but discovered how much I was really over eating. Now the challenge is to keep my weight stable over the winter months which thanks to the diverticular disease and chronic gastritis isn't hard to do. My body is in charge of what I eat and it is unforgiving if I do not listen to it.

After three nights of lows in the teens the temp is finally starting to edge up into more acceptable numbers for this time of the year. Poor chickens haven't been out for two days. Tomorrow looks promising. I'm sure they will be thrilled to get out as the temps are supposed to get up in the upper 30s.
I got something like this to move heavy things. Has saved by back for sure. Balances well so not too heavy and 2 wheels so it doesn't tip. Worth the $.
Tramadol really had bad side effects for me. Writing backwards, head spinning etc. Had to go home from work!
My husbands first pain pill for his back pain and probably pain for his cancer. He wasn't one for pain oulss, but started to ask for it later on. Then e went to heavier meds as things progressed.

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