GRAPHIC PICS of my day learning to caponize

Well, on the day I was planning to separate out my one-eyed, cross beaked, 7 week old roo for caponization, I came out to the coop to find he'd fallen off the roost and somehow bit the dust overnight. Alas, poor Cyclops, we barely knew thee... and despite the onset of rigor mortis, he warmed up quite nicely on a black tray in the sun and only smelled a little bit when I made a post-mortem attempt on his manhood. I believe I got them both successfully, though I may have broken a rib along the way - not sure if that was due to my patient being dead or my own inexperience. Perhaps I'll try the next batch at 8 or 9 weeks, just to give myself a bit more space to work. I also learned that intestines are not testicles, as much as they may look like them on first glance (thought: wow, this little guy had some cajones... oh, wait, never mind). My next shot at some live birds comes in a month or so when the four boys from hatch two reach cuttin' age. Until then, let us celebrate Cyclops' 7 week reign as Atlanta's ugliest and yet somehow endearing little rooster.:jumpy
RIP Cyclops, you won't need those in the afterlife anyway. Practice, Practice, Practice makes perfect sense :D
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I've been battling a stomach virus and had a bad reaction to some lone star tick bites, so I'm not my normal cheerful self. I'm not sure I have information for everyone who wanted to order tools. Please send me a PM to confirm or to provide missing information.

I have complete info for:
Queen Misha
bauerdog 54

I need more information from:
Beer Can

If anyone else wants to order tools, send me a PM a.s.a.p. The more sets ordered, the less the international shipping will be per person.
My order for tools goes to my guy tomorrow. If you want tools but didn't contact me, send me a PM. It may be a year before I order tools again. My schedule is filling up, and I'm letting go of the "extra" things I do so that I can focus on the things I "must" do.
My order for tools goes to my guy tomorrow.  If you want tools but didn't contact me, send me a PM.  It may be a year before I order tools again.  My schedule is filling up, and I'm letting go of the "extra" things I do so that I can focus on the things I "must" do.  

Thanks for taking the time to order and handle for us.
Looking forward to giving it a try. Putting more j giant eggs in bator in anticipation of hatching all cockerels. ..Lol.
In about two weeks I'm biting the bullet and taking this project on.

I purchased a big box of cheap cockerals just for learning on in early May. I know some people like to do it younger, but I'm gonna go with the 8 week time.
I had a bit of a problem a month ago with cocci even tho I had a medicated starter at first for my babies.
Even with a good round of Corid for the whole flock for a week I still lost a lot of chicks, it was really upsetting.
They are finally looking really good again and I can't wait until my time off of work to get it done.
Even tho I'm nervous I am determined. I must be able to do this or I feel there is no point of me hatching chicks out, period. I can't expect to sell all my excess males and I know they will grow better like our steered out bull calves.
Even tho I lost so many I still have 50+
If I can't master this process with a lot like that, there is no hope for me LOL
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In about two weeks I'm biting the bullet and taking this project on.

I purchased a big box of cheap cockerals just for learning on in early May. I know some people like to do it younger, but I'm gonna go with the 8 week time.
I had a bit of a problem a month ago with cocci even tho I had a medicated starter at first for my babies.
Even with a good round of Corid for the whole flock for a week I still lost a lot of chicks, it was really upsetting.
They are finally looking really good again and I can't wait until my time off of work to get it done.
Even tho I'm nervous I am determined. I must be able to do this or I feel there is no point of me hatching chicks out, period. I can't expect to sell all my excess males and I know they will grow better like our steered out bull calves.
Even tho I lost so many I still have 50+
If I can't master this process with a lot like that, there is no hope for me LOL

I'll do my best to get someone to come hold the video camera this week. I've got a group that's starting prep for caponizing on Tuesday.

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