Great Depression of 2016

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That means a national ID card. Everyone should have finger prints and iris identification on file.
Not a fan of having my junk on file somewhere...

We have a national ID system in place. Look for the star on your DL..

We would have to throw out the 4th amendment to let people just question immigration status... Not a fan of that ether. Cops would stop, detain an search based on race..
Things are a lot more complicated than that. We cannot deport 20 million people. That would ruin the economy of a good many countries. We need to come to some sort of reasonable accommodation. Not all illegals want US citizenship, but a good many do.

We need to seal the border; build a wall. It worked in Israel; it will work here.

We need to know who is living in our country. That means a national ID card. Everyone should have finger prints and iris identification on file.

We need to sort the people out. Those here illegally that have criminal records get to go home and never come back. Those that don't have criminal records get to stay here and work and pay taxes.

Those here illegally get to choose. Either get legal or get gone. I suspect a good many will opt to return home. The prospect of paying US income taxes will send them packing.

Those that apply for US citizenship will get it eventually, if they can pass the test. Then they can vote. Those without citizenship should not get social welfare benefits.

Once these 20 million people are sorted out, those remaining will not be happy working for minimum wage. They will demand better wages and conditions. Things will change.

For what it is worth, any government official in Mexico can question one's immigration status. Perhaps that should be the case here.

Being illegal means they are criminals, hence why they should all be deported.

After all, we would not want any allegations of favoritism. We are for equality aren't we? I suggest we treat them all equally and remove every last one of them from our shores.
You are probably right on that. I was reading "Reglamento de la ley general de poblacion." It requires an identity card and a file with finger prints and iris id.

It used to say to qualify for Mexican Citizenship, the birth had to be recorded at the Mexican consulate or embassy within a certain time. I can't remember how many days. They changed the law in September of 2012.

But if someone had enough moxie to read and understand Mexican Law, I suspect they would not be in the US scrubbing out toilets.
Being illegal means they are criminals, hence why they should all be deported.

After all, we would not want any allegations of favoritism. We are for equality aren't we? I suggest we treat them all equally and remove every last one of them from our shores.

Ohhh! I sense bitterness.
Hmmm, this is rather interesting.

I think I'll stay here...
We all have our own opinions. Here we trade ideas with others, but we are all friends. We agree to disagree.
Not a fan of having my junk on file somewhere...

We have a national ID system in place. Look for the star on your DL..

We would have to throw out the 4th amendment to let people just question immigration status... Not a fan of that ether. Cops would stop, detain an search based on race..

I don't drive any more. I got too old for that.
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