
Thank you for replying! But is it only one container? And how small is small? And how many chickens do you have and are the ones lower in the pecking order able to get some?
For my babies in the brooder, it’s just a cage cup, like this (on the right side):

For my hens and roosters, there is a gravity-fed small animal feeder in each coop (the blue one on the right…this one is in the hen coop so the second one is their oyster shell):
I had a chick that would gorge grit, so I get it.. for him I scatter his grit to make him look for it. Now that he’s 6 weeks old it doesn’t seem to be the same issue. For all my others I give them little Tupperware dirt baths and mix it in so they can practice foraging and have a container available in the brooder.
I don't have much need for grit here, because of the soil type.
However, if I did, I would find a bowl or dish (size doesn't matter, as long as they can get to it) and just keep it topped up.
I would also spread a bit around the run, but there isn't really much need to.
Because grit isn't very high value, there shouldn't be any problem with one chick hogging it, and they will all just take a piece as need.
I assume all my birds get plenty of grit, because since it is always there, there isn’t ever a big rush on it.

We currently have 40ish hens and pullets in one coop, 25 birds in another coop, and 8 roosters in our bachelor pad coop. The hens and pullets also free range every day so have access to anything they find in the environment as well.
Thank you! I'll see if I can find some packets at my local feed store. But while we're on the topic of grit, do you think I should even give them some? I know they don't need it with the crumbles, but since they are outside now I don't want them getting ahold of something they need grit for.
I'd sprinkle it on the ground as you were thinking, it's best got them not to have in a dish or the little piles or the the puffballs will gorge on it.
Since there is so much different advice here, I'm gonna try both. I'll try sprinkling it on the ground for a week, then try keeping it in a dish for another week. Then probably update yall and assess which works better for me and my chickens.

Side note; Thank you guys for replying and giving your opinions and advice, I love talking with fellow chicken lovers 🙂
Since there is so much different advice here, I'm gonna try both. I'll try sprinkling it on the ground for a week, then try keeping it in a dish for another week. Then probably update yall and assess which works better for me and my chickens.

Side note; Thank you guys for replying and giving your opinions and advice, I love talking with fellow chicken lovers 🙂
Older chickens can regulate their grit intake but chicks won't

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