Growing a chick in a bowl

Whoa! That is a bit disturbing... :sick

Ok, so question: it won't be able to "hatch". If I understand correctly, breaking through the shell gives it strength to survive. So assuming it makes it and fully develops, how are you going to go about "hatching" it?
Not sure yet will cross that bridge if we make it there. I started this bc I cracked open a egg I thought was dead and it wasn't and I felt helpless and read about chicks being grown in a bowl so we thought we would try it.
Whats missing is theres no pores for the "egg" to lose moisture & exchange oxygen. As they get older, the oxygen needed increases. If you can mimic that artificially it may make it further. Maybe poke holes with a tiny needle

As for hatching, would personally just let it pip the plastic or pip for it, then make sure it can't get out until the yolk is fully absorbed. Stimulating the chick may help drastically with yolk absorption. If you can make it do any exercise in any for while in the egg, this should help it absorb the yolk. Or you could tie it off.
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You will need good air exchange and the field needs to be completely sterile. Everything you use around it, should be sterilized.

Oh, yeh, of course
I forgot that bit. Do forgive me, I'm tired from staying up all night monitoring my brinsea eco. I have a pip, but these small incubators never keep temp well.... And I've got no heating, although my temp gauge read 17oC in the living room.,. So I'm manually adding, removing layers to the sides of the eco to keep the temp up.... brrr...
Not sure. Never seem it from this view. Will you try again if not?

But I like your idea. Been watching this thread. May try it myself. Been thinking about the whole bowl thing though and air exchange.

Definitely, need away to let oxygen to get in and carbon dioxide to get out. Maybe the saran wrap but with a spot that has that medical tape that tears easy (already has tiny holes).

The bowl ... if it were able to develop and there being so much room, would the chick be more activity. And if so, would you need to worry about it breaking the yolk with its nails or beak. Also, how would you turn the bowl, would it need to be turned just like in an egg?

Sorry, keep asking myself questions and that leads to another one.

Very curious how this will turn out.
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It was dead and yes I will try again I currently have my second egg in there now. I don't know about the air exchange bc once I put holes in it is when it died so I'm redoing it and not worrying about the holes this time and you don't have to turn it bc it has no shell to stick too. Here's egg #2

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