Growing a tomato plant inside my house-- help me make this successful

You say you watered at transplant. How big were the plants when you transplanted them? Could you have damaged the tiny root system, it is very fragile at this stage which is why I avoid until they are much bigger. You can of course plant a few in a pot and thin them out leaving the strongest. I don't do this. The seeds are large enough to plant individually in the centre of a 3 inch pot. they then don't need transplanting until they are about 6 inches tall.

It is intriguing that some pots are very wet and others dry. Remember that a tiny seedling does not have a need of too much water, just moist, not wet, compost. Do you leave a rim of about half an inch when you fill the pots? This will allow for sufficient water without drowning them. Get the basics right and they should flourish with very little care and attention. Mine are ready to be transplanted into 7 inch pots and are about 6 inches high. Some were sown as early as January, when the days are very short here, and others in February. They do not develop at the same rate but eventually they even out I have found.
I've run into this once it was my cats. The other time used the wrong type soil composition and or planter plus not stable plant growth needed earlier a cage here is why:

In 1978 a scientific show informed about a amazing invention from Japan using fiber optics --- a worker in a multiple underground office without natural light suffered low light exposure. He created a solar light collector that sent sunlight through fiber optics pumping real natural light into his office. Over time he tweaked it worried about ultra violet rays and cancer well he learned to alter light frequency at end receiving point and created the most powerful grow light. A single tomato plant producing 10,000 tomatoes at once! ......I saved the information and this technology still available but cheaper now my plants exploded so fast that they collapsed (soil turned into loose dry flakes) the root system massive fine thick mop. these were cherokee purples they exploded into maturity in 42 days, the plant height 22 high it fell over 13 ft and each tomato maxed at 2 Ibs and 7 ounces it vined out suckers fast and a lot of vines collapsed insane fighting to feed often and water feared burning the roots. I kept the light but never do again it was too much work to keep up! This light system can make a tomato grow or any plant imitate kudzu growth rate at the plants growth peak cycle. Found out cant use seedling stage the vine grew too fast but thin and weak 7th day after planting 9 inches but all fell may mean only hour or few minute intervals on but how as there was no on off switch it was like a hose transfer sun light? -eh still tweaking it but all that grew with it said the same it explodes growth then collapse under it's own weight ........I wonder has any one else used it and figured out the control light exposure schedule rate??? I love the output but love to manage the plant it's natural life cycle 84 days maturity. it was insane slinging all fruit in pantyhose or dropping fruit, blooms to keep up mad .....

I can't imagine this light with kudzu my guess like a supersonic jet plane on steroids. Serious any one else evet toyed around this fiber optic grow light
please?? I've shelved it some 10 years it works but any options better manage it?? asking found system today in garage the light works..
This sounds interesting... however I can't find anything about it on the interweb...
The plants are diappearing right out of the pots--- me thinks a mouse!!!!!!

Four in the N window continue to live--eat has some badly wilted leaves though and some healthy leaves.
LOL, Set one with cheese!! But you are right I should use peanut butter, DH says they work to get the PB off the treddle rather than run away withthe cheese.

I've lost most of the plants, all that were in that room.
You could try covering them at night, or cover some of them and see if they are still there in the morning. Mice are persistent creatures and will keep coming back for more. I have heard that cotton wool balls soaked in tea tree oil or lavender, or mint will deter them as they don't like the scent.
ONe mouse gone thanks to a dab of peanut butter!!

Will reset-- likely to be others lurking . . . .

THe 4 in the north window are alive-- but wilting continues.

THe 6+ in the south window are in the same condition.

Planning to plant more seeds and get a mini green house-- saw them yesterday for $20 at discount store--while buying peas!!lol
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