Growing fodder for chickens

We LOVE fodder here. The sheep and chickens go crazy for it. We've done barley fodder mainly, it was what was available, and 50 lbs last quite a long while. We are getting up to 6-7 pounds per tray, it's amazing!
the chages I've made include, using a large bowl instead of the 5 gal bucket, this was a nice space saver.. I use a spray bottle during the day but really soak it in the morning and night..
There are pictures of each day and some of the tools I use.
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Sister Catryna? Jody, how do you know me? Have I forgotten something?
It's raining here on the Oregon coast like crazy so today I gave the girls a handful of fodder on the ground in their coop. They ate the wheat seeds but not the greens. They left the greens. I have been mixing it in with their fermented food in the morning but just gave them an added treat today since they couldn't get out into the run so much. Crazy girls.
Try giving your chickens fodder that has grown to different lengths. We have some chickens who eat anything and everything and others that are more picky. Some of our chickens will eat the fodder when its 6 inches long and others won't touch it if it's more than one or two inches long. Different strokes for different folks.
Ok, so I've been reading up like CRAZY and I've found that some people do just wheat or barley fodder and others do 3-4 different seeds for fodder. I'm looking at fermenting too and possibly you all know about/do that also. I'm wanting to feed either just fodder or fodder & fermented grains. My question is: If you feed JUST fodder - what seeds to do you grow?? If you happen to feed both (fodder & fermented) what seeds to you grow for fodder and what seeds do you ferment??

Thanks a ton!! I've raised chickens before, fully understand HOW to grow fodder, just not WHAT exactly to grow. ;)
Try giving your chickens fodder that has grown to different lengths. We have some chickens who eat anything and everything and others that are more picky. Some of our chickens will eat the fodder when its 6 inches long and others won't touch it if it's more than one or two inches long. Different strokes for different folks.

Ya it seems they like it better when it sprouts instead of more greens. Fine with me, don't have to grow so long. :)
Ok, so I've been reading up like CRAZY and I've found that some people do just wheat or barley fodder and others do 3-4 different seeds for fodder.  I'm looking at fermenting too and possibly you all know about/do that also. I'm wanting to feed either just fodder or fodder & fermented grains. My question is: If you feed JUST fodder - what seeds to do you grow?? If you happen to feed both (fodder & fermented) what seeds to you grow for fodder and what seeds do you ferment??

Thanks a ton!! I've raised chickens before, fully understand HOW to grow fodder, just not WHAT exactly to grow. ;)

I'm growing wheat fodder but it seems my girls like it as sprouts instead of fodder. They really like it when I mix it with their fermented food. I've been fermenting longer than growing fodder but fairly new to both. My girls love the ferment food. It's just their all in one crumbles feed. Theres another great thread on here about fermenting.
.... I gave the girls a handful of fodder on the ground in their coop. They ate the wheat seeds but not the greens. They left the greens.... Crazy girls.
They may not be as crazy as you assume. While green sprouted food has some vitamins, and most chickens relish it, usually most of the food energy has been either washed out or consumed by the growing seeds. Most of the food energy remaining has been converted by the sprouted seeds to fiber or cellulose. Fiber and cellulose (stems, stalks, roots, and leaves) are great food sources for sheep, hoses, and cattle but neither fiber nor cellulose are good foods for chickens, especially for laying hens.
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