Growing fodder for chickens

NotAFarm - You stated that your set-up feeds 25 adult chickens. Is this all they get or do you suppliment with other feed? (i.e. pellets or ff)

I'm interested in getting my 8 week old chicks off so much feed since we can't free-range them with our big chickens. Rooster hates them lol
I have a free choice feeder with Purina GameBird Starter and Layena Pellets available 24/7, which they eat very little of. I also feed fermented.
Do your hens lay the same or fewer eggs with the fodder?
I think they lay a lot of eggs
I've never kept records of how many eggs my flock lays. I started fermented feed in the fall and have been feeding fodder for a few weeks. I think I have good egg production for breeds that are not necessarily known for their laying abilities. I have 12 Icelandics, 5 German New Hampshires, 1 Welsummer and one Barred Olive Egger that are laying and 2 three year old SLW that are not. I
average a dozen eggs a day from those 19.
.....oh, and in case anyone is wondering, I don't use artificial lighting or heat in my coop to make them lay that many eggs.
.....oh, and in case anyone is wondering, I don't use artificial lighting or heat in my coop to make them lay that many eggs.
I have 3 times as many that should be laying and I only get about 2 doz a day. And a few are under lights. No heat but lights in a shop.

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