Grown Indian Runner scared of baby ducks


Mar 1, 2023
When Hope was born, didn't think she'd make it. Only one to hatch and survive of 7 eggs. We got 2 more ducklings to keep Hope company. We put them all together at 3 months old in separate fences but side by side. They all seemed to want to be together so after 1 month, we opened both fences so they could all be together. The 6 grown ducks are scared to death of the babies. Hope kept jumping and chasing the big ducks, then Eleanor and Theodore chased the big ones. It was so bad, we had to separate them again. Hope is an Indian Runner like the big ones, Theodore is supposedly Campbell and Eleanor welsh and Campbell. Hope is during great but so spoiled from her difficulty hatching and almost not making it, she turned into a little monster lol. She's so mean to the big ducks lol. Hope is the indian runner on out side of pool


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It's common for ducklings to chase and scare adult ducks. It happened here. Eventually, they will become a flock but it takes time.
Explain how she is mean to the big ducks.
It might be normal, it didn't happen with the 1st set of baby ducks but they were born with them, these were born inside the house and I took care of them til old enough to go out, she doesn't just chase them, she took all 6 adult ducks on at same time grabbing them by the neck and trying to throw them down. It was crazy how she acted. Theodore and Eleanor she was raised with just normal chased mouth snapping but never did anything, but Hope, she was aggressive. They kept trying leave her alone but she wouldn't leave them alone. The adult male throw her down a couple times but she got back up even madder lol. I was scared they'd end up hurting Hope so I separated them Just in case. Should I try again later or keep them separated. This might be normal and I'm just over reacting lol. I'm a worrier lol
Wow! Hope is really something lol. Are they side by side so they can see each other? Sounds like you’re going to have to keep trying until they accept each other. Once Hope gets to laying age she may change her attitude towards the drake and hopefully the other one too.
Combing groups can be challenging. Mostly my older ducks have always been afraid of my ducklings and have been chased around. It takes a lot of time and patience and supervision, gradually letting them be together while you stand there and run interference. Try feeding treats together, and just hanging with the two groups when they're together. Eventually they'll get there!
Wow! Hope is really something lol. Are they side by side so they can see each other? Sounds like you’re going to have to keep trying until they accept each other. Once Hope gets to laying age she may change her attitude towards the drake and hopefully the other one too.
Hope was 4 days old when we got the other 2 only a day older than her. She jumped on them but in mins she was fine and did good. I have them side by side 4ft fence separates them. I'm going to keep working with them. Out of the 7 Indian runner we have. She's the only one that eats out of my hand. She bites my Pitt bull. He loves her, but I don't let any of my dogs near her unless I'm holding her just in case lol thank you for the advice. I'll keep working with them

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