Grrr, Wanting Something for Nothing & No Appreciation for Fine Hand Quilting....A Rare Speckledhen

We have some similar tastes--I'd not thought about the red and green, but I'm also not into the holiday color pairing. I guess the purple would be a better choice.

You go on the quilt!

I think if I didn't pick exactly the right green, it would take on that holiday look, so maybe with this one, I should go on with the purple. It's the same as the border and the backing of the quilt I just pinned.

I made a youtube, something I don't normally do, about my Tennessee Waltz quilt. Check it out.

And the first stitches are in!

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Fortitude quilt!!

Good name for it!

Beautiful quilt!

Thank you! I finished that one block last night. Only 34 more to go plus border.
I was having trouble with my fingers, not tingling or numbness but they'd spazz, freeze up and just not work, like there was a disconnect between my brain and my hand. I'm sure it's part and parcel of carpal tunnel, but it was frustrating. I want to do one block per day, but if it keeps on like last night, it will be a challenge. Still, one step at a time and I'm done in about six weeks or so.
Thank you! I finished that one block last night. Only 34 more to go plus border.
I was having trouble with my fingers, not tingling or numbness but they'd spazz, freeze up and just not work, like there was a disconnect between my brain and my hand. I'm sure it's part and parcel of carpal tunnel, but it was frustrating. I want to do one block per day, but if it keeps on like last night, it will be a challenge. Still, one step at a time and I'm done in about six weeks or so.

I think I mentioned Ginger as helping my husband's hands for arthritis before... but I have noticed something on my own hands in the past 2 months.... I began drinking some ACV and water every morning (about a tablespoon +/- in 8 oz of water). I didn't do it for my hand arthritis but I noticed a few weeks ago that the pain in my left thumb (had been reaching level of 'severe') has been greatly reduced. The only difference was the ACV that I can think of in recent months. That may be worth some research.

I started out using honey to sweeten the mix, but have gotten used to it now so can just drink it (very quickly) without.
I think I mentioned Ginger as helping my husband's hands for arthritis before... but I have noticed something on my own hands in the past 2 months.... I began drinking some ACV and water every morning (about a tablespoon +/- in 8 oz of water). I didn't do it for my hand arthritis but I noticed a few weeks ago that the pain in my left thumb (had been reaching level of 'severe') has been greatly reduced. The only difference was the ACV that I can think of in recent months. That may be worth some research.

I started out using honey to sweeten the mix, but have gotten used to it now so can just drink it (very quickly) without.

I do remember you saying this. I have used ACV tea with honey for a cold. Couldn't hurt now and may help more than the sniffles. Thanks for reminding me.
I am eating honey and cinnamon on toast every morning. I heard that it was good for arthritis and I have been having aches in my finger and hand joints. I haven't been diagnosed with arthritis yet, but it runs in my family. My dad, his mother and a number of my aunts all have/had really bad arthritis.
I tried the ACV but never really got in the habit of it. I think I should get back to it. I always felt better when I was drinking it.
Are you using the ACV with mother in it?

@speckledhen Thank you for posting all your projects. You do such beautiful work.
I am eating honey and cinnamon on toast every morning. I heard that it was good for arthritis and I have been having aches in my finger and hand joints. I haven't been diagnosed with arthritis yet, but it runs in my family. My dad, his mother and a number of my aunts all have/had really bad arthritis.
I tried the ACV but never really got in the habit of it. I think I should get back to it. I always felt better when I was drinking it.
Are you using the ACV with mother in it?

@speckledhen Thank you for posting all your projects. You do such beautiful work.
Yes, I use the ACV with Mothers..... it certainly is an acquired taste, to say the least!
I am eating honey and cinnamon on toast every morning. I heard that it was good for arthritis and I have been having aches in my finger and hand joints. I haven't been diagnosed with arthritis yet, but it runs in my family. My dad, his mother and a number of my aunts all have/had really bad arthritis.
I tried the ACV but never really got in the habit of it. I think I should get back to it. I always felt better when I was drinking it.
Are you using the ACV with mother in it?

@speckledhen Thank you for posting all your projects. You do such beautiful work.
Thank you, you're so kind.
It's going to be very slow going on this one. I won't get a block a day finished, not in this cold weather. It's difficult to sit in my recliner with a small section of a heavy queen size quilt in a hoop on my lap so I'm sitting on my bed to quilt it, like I've done the last three I made. I've finished two and a quarter blocks so far. There are 35 blocks and the wide border (and binding, can't forget that part) My hands and ankle are giving me fits, probably the weather system that has settled in. I have arthritis crafting gloves on and an ankle brace and I'm a sight, for sure.
Trudge ahead, one stitch at a time. Can't do more than that anyway, right?

This looks wrinkled, but the batting is cotton batting and not prewashed, so it will have a homespun look after washing anyway. I'm using that Warm & White brand batting, on which you can even quilt lines 10" apart-amazing. And having to manipulate it and fold it and move it around during the process also wrinkles the piece. Nothing unusual there. I'll probably wash it as soon as I'm done quilting it, though I have no quilting lines drawn on it to follow. I may have some chalk lines on the border when I get to that section, depending on the design I choose for it. But, doing outline quilting doesn't really call for marking it.


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