Guardian Animals and House Pets


8 Years
Feb 2, 2011
New Market, Al
I have a serious question....
I will be getting baby goats in March/April and a Doe a few months later. We will have a good fence. Coyotes are still a worry in my area. My husband and I are waffling between guardian animals and leaning towards a Llama....
The question I have is:
Can I socialize a LGA with my house pets (1-pit, 1-fluffy idiot pekineses/terrier mix, 1-****** off cat) and still have an effective guard animal?
I want something that will protect my lil ones from coyotes and the occasional domesticated dog that may try to harm my flock but not stomp my fur babies to smithereens.
What about a baby donkey?

Not sure on the llamas. I'm not a fan.. I do like donkeys though, and they can be very good with dogs they grew up with, while still being protective around stray dogs.
From everything that I've read, you will have the best results if an animal is raised with whatever they are going to be protecting and especially if you are wanting them to be safe around animals that they typically fear (dogs). I don't know if that would affect their protection ability. That being said, a young animal is not going to be able to protect anything.

I would do a little more research. I have heard good and bad things about llamas. From they don't protect anything, they stomped babies to death, they were killed because they are not ferocious. Same with donkeys. Another thing to consider, I have read that donkeys need to be with the herd they protect and not be able to socialize with any other equine so no horses, donkeys etc at your place or across the fence line. That way they stay with and bond to the herd of goats, sheep etc.

Since you are already planning on the goats, I'd look into getting an established adult guardian animal. It will cost you more upfront but at least you will have protection right away. Just be sure that the animal is okay with baby goats.

We are on our first LGD, a Great Pyr. He is only 11 weeks old so has a way to go before he will be protecting anything.
Llamas don't really do any good, so don't depend on a llama. A full size donkey will often stomp coyotes and dogs, but will probably stomp yours as well. Donkeys are really noisy and the noise is unpleasant and carries a long distance. Your neighbors won't be happy.

A livestock guardian dog should be able to differentiate between your dogs and stray dogs. However, a good safe fence so your dogs can't get in with the goats would be a good idea. Livestock dogs tend to stand and bark all night. Again, you might get complaints from your neighbors. If you don't mind the barking, livestock guardians do a good job, but if you have coyotes, you need at least 2 dogs. Otherwise, one coyote keeps the dog busy while another one comes in behind and takes a goat.

A well built fence with some electric wire at the top and bottom and a sturdy stall for at night are your best bet to protect the goats.
Make sure your original dogs are well balanced, or they can really mess with an LGD's training..

Been there.. done that. It's not fun...

I have a 10 month old LGD named Clem. She has sheep and chickens to guard, though not unattended. She plays with the sheep and right now ignores the birds, though she has tried to play with them before we got the sheep.

These dogs are BIG, and they are puppies for a long time. They are a HUGE commitment, and not one to be taken lightly.
We had a fabulous Great Pyrenees (male) years ago. He was a wonderful guardian. -well trained and did his job! He was raised from the time he was a puppy with another dog (male) that was an older German Shepherd mix. When the Pyr was about two he became very aggressive toward the other dog. I personally wouldn't have a Pyr and another male dog (especially another dominant male). -wasn't good..... -would definitely recommend a Pyrenees for guarding - they are fabulous!! -very lovable, good natured pups. They will assert dominance in their territory (and if we ever have acreage again, we will have a male/female Pyr team). -just my opinion from experience.
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