Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

Revenge is dish best served cold. And yeah, I have still been mad enough months later to still want to exact revenge. Then again, you could be a role model for your children and give it to prayer. Trust me when I say that God is still BEST at revenge for His children. I can PM you the story if you like.
Mahonri, I don't even know what to say...

That is just so wrong. You have a beautiful coop and I can't imagine ANYONE complaining.

Seriously, there is hardly a week passes that I don't look at your coop pictures and as for hatching....?

Can we even allow a Easter hatch without Mahonri leading the way? Isn't that just wrong?

To qoute a couple other posters; CRAP! I protest!
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This whole thing has made me so sad. My heart aches for you, Mahonri.

Oh, you know what? You should make a recording of roosters crowing (if you need some, I have them!) and play them for yourself every morning, LOUDLY. When the inspectors come to investigate the complaints, you can shrug and tell them the neighbors are nuts. After a few times, they'll chalk it up to insanity and quit coming to check. Want my recordings, buddy?
I am sad to read of your situation. I'm happy to live in a rural area where i can do what i wish with many things. People these days find too many things to complain about.
I believe that owning at least 8 chickens should be a national law.

I would start up any loud machine "lawnmover" and put it as close to the neighbors property, and let it run as long as the law allows, everyday. Also you could research what the allowed
volume of music you can reach and put on some music that you know the neighbor would not like. Even better, record a rooster crowing or other chicken talk and play over and over again.

No bad deed should go unpunished in this situation.
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For your (and your neighbor's) listening pleasure, Mahonri: *Yes, speckledhen has a mean streak. Deal with it

Suede, blue Orpington:

Dutch, Barred Rock:

Zane, Barred Rock:

Isaac, Delaware:

So, the law says you can't have roosters, or is it a noise ordinance? Or is it one of those stupid laws that says you can have chickens with your neighbor's permission? Those really torque me, the ones that let the neighbors decide what you can and can't do.
Someone on BYC has a siggy that quotes (I think) Jefferson by saying "when your government is big enough to give you everything you want its big enough to take away everything you have". I think about this often. . . I'm so sad for you and your losses and know I could be next at any time. I hope you find out who complained about you and complain about them at any given opportunity until you feel vindicated. If it goes on too long though, that hatred will own you and then its not worth it. As you can see, you have a lot of friends and followers here. Many, like myself, are "readers" that you don't even know of. I hope that brings you some comfort.
I don't think of myself as an overly vindictive person but neither am I one to roll over. I would give back in kind. If they so much as twitched too loud....I would file a complaint. Being a good neighbor goes both ways....and I am a very good neighbor till I get pooped on. I will treat you as you treat me...only I am VERY good at it. Good luck dealing with this. Hopefully you will be able to find out the who and better yet...the why.

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