Guess I'm done breeding chickens... got a letter from the city

I am sincerely sorry for all this trouble, but you must get a copy of "City Chicks" and read it. Nothing worth having comes easy you know. If you want chickens them you either have to figure a way to move or fight to keep them.

I wish you the best and encouragement.

Rancher The link to municode does not work, and I did not actually search out the city ordinances.

Mahonri, there are a few homes for sale in my neighborhood, and there is literally no limit on chickens in Tempe's Ag district. One of the homes available would literally be surrounded by fellow chicken owners. Well, not across the street, but to the east, to the west and across the bridle path on the south (that would be me). And 6 of the 9 HOA board members currently have or have had chickens. Most other farm animals are welcome too (no pigs).
In my area no chickens are allowed unless they are 'in transit'. I don't know if those words are in your local ordinances, but they may buy you a bit of time, if needed to avoid a fine.

This is very sad. i hope you continue to stay with us though, and teach us and incubate, then sell right away. You have too much to offer to not be a part of the chicken world. At least consider this until you can get a better place.
OK I'm going though on of those days.

Has anyone but me in all my weirdness seen a pattern here?

It seems those who are well known and seems most involved with Heritahe breeds are beeing targeted to remove their birds.

Right now it's Mahonri, couple of months agp it was cherylcohen and there are others on here as well. Like 8 of them that over the last year have been dealt this hand.

It's like knock down the popular and then the little guys will fall.

OK I know. Paranoid, but I'm trying to figure out why this keeps happening.

I like the recording idea.

I have a neighbor on one side with a recording studio and they have kareoke (sp) at all hours of the night. Been going on since day one. And I hate Kaeoke. They leave me alone, ok. Then the other side. 3 Beagles. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you know Beagles, nuff said. I guarentee you though, if I ever get a visit, I'll be calling every single day. My birds make no noise in comparison. I may not get much sleep at times, but I don't sleep much anyway, especially these days. My birds sleep at dusk. The dogs and music (use the term loosly) are any time of the day or night.
Someone here has longcrowers....
*evil --- that's me*

Oh, Dar, I'm soooooo very sorry. I'm praying hard that you'll get to keep what you have, get it in writing, and find a way to move to Tempe and upgrade everything in your life. Sometimes it works out that way. When our house burned down, it ended up being a very good thing...but of course we couldn't see it at the time.

I hope you remember He uses all for good.
I don't post a lot lately, mostly read other's post but I wish you well and just wanted to tell you that if you could maybe you could relocate somewhere you could have poultry or maybe relocate the birds close by. I had to find my horse a new home when my ex husband and I split up and I feel that was one of the worst days of my life. If you truly love you chickens do what you can to hold on to them. Seems silly to some to put forth so much effort for"silly chickens" but to some of us it's more about how they are part of our lives. I could have done a little more and kept my horse, but I gave in too early. There's not a horse I drive by that I don't look at and wonder.......lots of people want to help you. Many blessings and well wishes for you.
Sure am sorry to hear this......maybe you can find someone near you who will let you keep chickens, keep your young chicks there, and hens. Keep your breeding flocks, at a 2nd place...

I for one would let you house chicken here.............know i'm to far...but try to rent a barn or small outbuilting at another place....heck here farmers do it all the time.

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