Guess The Breed!!! Dog Edition!!!!

Wow, she is beautiful!! I lost my Shepherd/Wolf mix a few years ago and it still brings a tear to my eye, I miss her! Yours definitely has a Husky/Wolf look.

Thanks :) Yes she is very unique! It's hard to go walking with her as we get stopped nearly every person that walks by.... I love it when people look then have to do a double take like they can't believe what they just saw

In Australia we don't have any true wolfs or wolf dogs as far as I know. I've always thought blue eyed dogs were amazing and just never came across the right one... I love the look of Husky's but their natures and tempraments make them very hard to have on a farm with free range birds, plus I go hiking and jogging a lot with my dogs and I don't put them on leads most of the time.... A Husky would be a speck I the distance in a flash LOL.

I was very lucky to get this girl, she was sold a year in advance as someone missed out on their first litter. Long story short the buyers pulled out at the last minute
I was excited to say the least! I flew her up from down south.

She has very strong Husky traits in some ways but they seem to be mellowed out by her fathers side, she talks like a Husky and can be very cat-like (licking herself clean, walking along the couch arm rests etc) But has great recall and is very eager to please.

Sorry for your loss with your wolfdog, You get very attached to dogs more than birds, they are really family.

Here is "laska" with some of the flock....
@bemba - What a great story! Currently one of our dogs is an Alaskan Malamute/Akita mix (as far as we can tell) and yes, if given the opportunity, he will take off and go for miles!! He is a HUGE baby, unless you are a cat
He does do some talking.
My parents have raised everything from Great Danes to Pekapoos but the German Shepherds were my favorites. Since my little flock is coming next month, I am looking into what breeds would do well with them. But with an assortment of 5 dogs/ 3 guinea pigs/ 1 snake right now, I have enough to keep my hands full!!
My husky had great recall. We went walking all the time in the woods with her off-leash. Once I was riding my bike on the two track road through the woods and my dog was running with me. We went past a narrow field and there was a black bear standing in the field about 15 feet off the road. We were going pretty fast and the dog completely missed seeing the bear, so I rode on for about 1/2 mile before turning around. there was only one way back to the cabin, so I blasted past that field on the way back and never even slowed down till we were at the cabin. I'm sure that bear was just as stunned to see me as I was to see him, but man I was shaking when I got off that bike.
@bemba - What a great story! Currently one of our dogs is an Alaskan Malamute/Akita mix (as far as we can tell) and yes, if given the opportunity, he will take off and go for miles!! He is a HUGE baby, unless you are a cat
He does do some talking.
My parents have raised everything from Great Danes to Pekapoos but the German Shepherds were my favorites. Since my little flock is coming next month, I am looking into what breeds would do well with them. But with an assortment of 5 dogs/ 3 guinea pigs/ 1 snake right now, I have enough to keep my hands full!!

Wow I love Akitas, such big powerful dogs! I've got a German Shepherd too, she is 10 months old now her name is Kodah ....they are best friends.
So Laska is half Alaskan Husky (that's her mother, she is white with blue eyes) and half Belgian Groenendael (that's her father, he is pure black like all of his breed are)


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