Guinea talk.

II live in the country!!!
OH I see you live near Elmira Heights... we have some good friends who just moved there. All of your icons ring true about living in the country - when it's good it's very, very good and when it's bad - it's horrid!
I wish i lived in the country but i am stuck here in the city. My neighbors have not complained yet.knock on wood.
Out internet and house phone is not working so i am on my cell phone
These keys are to little i am used to my keyboard.

I hope everyone has a nice day.
There are some good points about living in the city. I sometimes miss being in the village when the power goes off and we don't have water because the pump doesn't run. We keep 5 gallon buckets filled at all times for emergency toilet flushing, but overall - I love being in the country and you are lucky you have good neighbors, Patty - that makes all the difference in the world, but knowing you - you are a good neighbor to them. Hope your get your internet back on soon.
Hello I am new to guineas and was told if I had questions this was the forum to be on. I was talking on the helmeted African guinea because I rescued two guineas and I think that's what they are.
I was reading some of your post and I believe I have a male and female. One is smaller than the other and several other differences. Is the female louder and more outspoken than the male?
I have named them sonny and Cher.



This is Sonny he would ride on my lap back and forth to his old house when I was trying to catch the female.
Hello I am new to guineas and was told if I had questions this was the forum to be on. I was talking on the helmeted African guinea because I rescued two guineas and I think that's what they are.
I was reading some of your post and I believe I have a male and female. One is smaller than the other and several other differences. Is the female louder and more outspoken than the male?
I have named them sonny and Cher.

This is Sonny he would ride on my lap back and forth to his old house when I was trying to catch the female.
Thanks for posting here! You have a couple of BE-utiful birds there. By the looks of the bird riding on your lap, I would agree that Sonny i a male and if Cher is making a two syllable call - some think it sounds like "buckwheat" or "come back" then she's a female. Good eye! I know it was a difficult choice for you to keep them and you rescued them after they had been abandoned and then had to figure out a way to catch the female, but you've made a great accomplishment by adding these two to your flock. As Pattyhen would say, "We are owned by guineas" and I think they choose us. So glad to have you be a part of this thread!
That pic is spiderman on the right and mary jane. I am still on my cell phone.

Okay they are having way too much fun on your gorgeous hardwood floors! I love how the dog is just ignoring them. You're doing a good job with that phone, Patty. Before too long, you'll be taking all of your own pictures and you won't have to have your grandsons do it anymore.
Fancychick1 - Cher may also be a lavender and Sonny a pearl.  At least that's what they look like color-wise in the picture.  They really are gorgeous birds!

Thank you for the info the more I can findo out about them the better. Sonny has taken a liking to me but Cher is still very skittish. I don't keep them caged and they stay in my yard with the rest of my flock. They now know I'm the one who feeds them so when I come outside they come running just like everyone else.
They have been perching on my porch if I can't get them to go inside once it gets cold will they be ok?

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