Guinea talk.

It's best for them to go inside so they aren't exposed to predators and the longer they roost outside, the more they will want to do that. How cold do you get? Guineapeeps is in Iowa mentioned her birds survived being out in 20 degrees below during a snow storm. Not ideal, but they are pretty hardy. Maybe try putting food in the coop area. Not sure how that will work with your other birds. When we changed them over from an outdoor coop / run to a small barn building, it took them about a month and a half. I kept the doors opened, kept food in there and then they just started exploring. Once they are comfortable and have been with you a bit longer, you can try keeping them inside the coop for them to get used to it as well. A lot is trial and error, but you've come a long way with them in a short amount of time and Cher will come around quickly. You'll see - they'll be like different birds in just a few weeks.
I'm in the south west corner of Kentucky and it can get pretty cold at times. I'm working on fixing them their own space so I can train them properly. Sonny doesn't like one of my roosters they go at it at least once a day. There is no way I cant use food to train them I have a greedy bunch so they will never let them eat by themselves.
I have 7 turkeys one is a new addition from the rescue. 9 ducks, 15 silkies, and 31 various chickens. I call my flock disfunctional because they all shouldn't get along together according to most people. I have way too too many males. I am a no kill owner so unless someone takes any off my hands they just enjoy themselves in my backyard.


Just took these at feeding time that seems like the only time Cher will let me get close enough for pics.
Hello I am new to guineas and was told if I had questions this was the forum to be on. I was talking on the helmeted African guinea because I rescued two guineas and I think that's what they are.
I was reading some of your post and I believe I have a male and female. One is smaller than the other and several other differences. Is the female louder and more outspoken than the male?
I have named them sonny and Cher.

This is Sonny he would ride on my lap back and forth to his old house when I was trying to catch the female.
That pic is so cute. It looks like Sonny is determined to get Cher and bring her home with him. They are very pretty guineas. My male is a little larger then my female guinea and she has the buckwheat sound. My male talks all the time and the female is pretty quiet. That is so sweet of you to rescue them and I'm sure they will appreciate having a home.
Okay they are having way too much fun on your gorgeous hardwood floors! I love how the dog is just ignoring them. You're doing a good job with that phone, Patty. Before too long, you'll be taking all of your own pictures and you won't have to have your grandsons do it anymore.
I took the pics with the phone and downloaded them myself and put them on here. Josh is very proud of me.
They finally got the internet and the phone service going. I still like my puter better then that cell phone.

Sissy the dog in the pic never pays any attention to the guineas or the chickens or ducks. The other dog Ozzie did kill a couple of our chickens when he was a puppy. I think he was trying to play with them . Now they can both be trusted in the yard alone with any of the birds.
It's best for them to go inside so they aren't exposed to predators and the longer they roost outside, the more they will want to do that. How cold do you get? Guineapeeps is in Iowa mentioned her birds survived being out in 20 degrees below during a snow storm. Not ideal, but they are pretty hardy. Maybe try putting food in the coop area. Not sure how that will work with your other birds. When we changed them over from an outdoor coop / run to a small barn building, it took them about a month and a half. I kept the doors opened, kept food in there and then they just started exploring. Once they are comfortable and have been with you a bit longer, you can try keeping them inside the coop for them to get used to it as well. A lot is trial and error, but you've come a long way with them in a short amount of time and Cher will come around quickly. You'll see - they'll be like different birds in just a few weeks.
I agree with GlennLee try and get them in the coop , they are much safer in there and away from predators. I don't know if it would be possible but if you could shut them up in the coop for a couple of weeks to show them where home is.

My husband come in tonight and he said I hear the guineas but I can't find them. I panicked I thought something had happened to them. I went out with him to help him find them and there they were looking out the window of the duck coop. I don't know why they went in there but they were to afraid to come out. I had to hand them out to my husband and he took them over to the chicken coop and put them to bed. The ducks were glad they left their coop.

My female guinea is not as friendly as the male so maybe Cher is a girl. I hope you have a pair.
I'm in the south west corner of Kentucky and it can get pretty cold at times. I'm working on fixing them their own space so I can train them properly. Sonny doesn't like one of my roosters they go at it at least once a day. There is no way I cant use food to train them I have a greedy bunch so they will never let them eat by themselves.
I have 7 turkeys one is a new addition from the rescue. 9 ducks, 15 silkies, and 31 various chickens. I call my flock disfunctional because they all shouldn't get along together according to most people. I have way too too many males. I am a no kill owner so unless someone takes any off my hands they just enjoy themselves in my backyard.
Fancychick I live in Indiana but I am right across the river from Louisville, Ky. When your flock all gets along you can count your blessings. I have 3 roosters and 7 hens. Two of the roosters are retired and just living out their senior years. Then I have 15 ducks. I don't know how I got so many ducks. I would keep one duck when someone hatched some babies and give the rest away. I guess the 1 duck added up before I knew it I had 15. Then my husband bought the 2 guineas last spring. The guineas are tamer then the ducks ever thought of being.
I took the pics with the phone and downloaded them myself and put them on here.  Josh is very proud of me.  :D   They finally got the internet and the phone service going.  I still like my puter better then that cell phone.  

Sissy the dog in the pic never pays any attention to the guineas or the chickens or ducks. The other dog Ozzie did kill a couple of our chickens when he was a puppy.  I think he was trying to play with them .  Now they can both be trusted in the yard alone with any of the birds.  

I wish I had some bigger dogs like that who would help keep predators away, but I'm afraid if I got one, it would chase the Guineas. Right now I have a miniature dachshund. Although he THINKS he is a giant terrifying dog, no one is scared of him, including the Guineas. About 4 years ago, I got my first guinea keets. I had them inside the house and the door to the room they were in didn't shut all the way. My dachshund snuck in and killed every single keet! I was so upset!!! I finally got more keets and was more careful so they have made it to adulthood and have multiplied many times over. But I think bad karma has come back to bite the dachshund, though. My Guineas hate him and chase after him yelling and hissing so he is scared to death of them. It's like word has gotten out in the guinea world about his terrible crimes and they are getting revenge!
Pattyhen my ducks are what we call the mob in my yard. They run things and it's so funny to watch then all interact. I have a group of 4 silkie roosters that we call ninja's. I have rescued a bunch of my flock. I hate to see people get animals without realizing how much work they are. I have heard that the neighbors tell people that I treat my birds like children so that's why I have acquired so many.
I'm glad to hear we are practically neighbors. Lol!!

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