Guinea talk.

Hi I will join your thread. I'm very new with raising guineas. Mine are 7 weeks old and growing by leaps and bounds. I've heard a lot of negative things about guineas but so far mine have been a joy to have. They are much more tame then my ducks. They love to follow me around in the yard and if I sit down they are right there beside me. They are goofy looking little birds which makes them all the more delightful to watch. I'm going to try to attach some pics of them these were taken a couple of weeks ago. Have a great day.

Just wait till they get older.... I love mine too and they run to great me when I arrive home from being out.
I have had lots of different kinds of birds.
peacocks, ducks, muscovys, chickens, geese of many breeds, quail. and guineas.
If I could have just one, it would be the guineas
people who complain about the noise should just get stuffed toys..
if you really want noisy birds, try African geese or peacocks..
There has been a change in plans. I will not be getting her today. My grandfather passed away. My grandmother said that he was cleaning his guns (he has over 200 guns cuz he likes collecting them. They are rifles) and he got up to go get a cup of coffee, while he was walking to the kitchen to get his coffee he fell over and died.
Sorry for your loss.... never an easy thing
Okay.. does anyone know if guineas have taste buds? I’ve been using cayenne pepper in the chicken and turkey feed as a preventative for internal parasites, but my g birds are avoiding the feed.
Okay.. does anyone know if guineas have taste buds? I’ve been using cayenne pepper in the chicken and turkey feed as a preventative for internal parasites, but my g birds are avoiding the feed.
Yes they have taste buds. The trouble with guineas is that they form their likes and dislikes at a very early age. It is difficult to get them to try new stuff once they are adults.

I give my other poultry pumpkins that they delight in devouring. Because I never introduced pumpkins to my guineas as keets, they refuse to even try it now.
Yes they have taste buds. The trouble with guineas is that they form their likes and dislikes at a very early age. It is difficult to get them to try new stuff once they are adults.

I give my other poultry pumpkins that they delight in devouring. Because I never introduced pumpkins to my guineas as keets, they refuse to even try it now.
Ahah! Thank you. I feel bad now very special treats and new feed for them.

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