Gun legislation- anyone heard about this?

Southern 30 year old????

Hey I resemble that remark.
They'd do better to take away all cars from everyone over 80. A 95 yo driver almost killed me and did kill someone else in a horrible accident I was in. No one that age has ever shot at me though.

Buster if they happen to point a gun in your direction you're probably shot, not shot at. I'm sure that I will be a better driver at 95 than the average Southern 30 year old. After 46 years in CA I didn't realize that people still drove this badly.

Hey- as long as you have your wits about you at 95 I don't have a problem with you driving. The man who caused my wreck didn't remember seeing another car on the road that day, despite it being rush hour on a busy highway.

I have a lot of respect for old-timers' shooting skills. I watched a retiree shoot a clay pigeon with a .22 that three of us with 12 gauges missed. We all looked at him in shocked silence.
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Our Canadian govt tried to force us all to register all of our guns. It was called bill c-68. So much money was wasted on this bill. Our usually passive Canadian society revolted about this outrage, and the great majority of canadians did NOT register their guns. It was a waste of taxpayers money and time, they threatened us with jail and fines etc, but in the end--this bill was thrown out. Now, we have strict guns laws, and I approve of the restrictions we have., but there's good and then there's stupid.

In the end, the registered and lawful users are not the ones commiting the crimes with guns. Criminals will get guns one way or the other.

Considering Americans love their guns more than Canadians do, and they are not as passive as Candians are, and it's in your constitiution--I really dont see this going anywhere.
miss_thenorth, we can only hope you're right - and be ever vigilant to make sure you are. If We, The People, let our gun rights slip through our fingers it will be our own fault for not speaking out. The British let them go, and now are paying the price with higher crime rates, criminals using guns (imagine that, using those illegal guns, who would have thought criminals wouldn't follow the laws all those nice legislatures put into place?
), people being put into jail because they defended themselves in their own homes - it's just crazy. And it can happen here if we allow it.
Gun control merely forces usually law-abiding citizens like myself to break the law by defying the gun laws.

My guns are tools, not weapons. I use them to kill food, kill predators(human ones if needs be), and kill any animals that are suffering from injuries or illness. Without my guns I would have to rely on the good graces and intelligence of law enforcement and government officials...... nuff said!

I will adamantly refuse to register my guns, my farm premises, my animals, etc. into government records. Its enough that I've been fingerprinted more than most criminals for every job I've held.

I can't even wrap my mind around the mentality of people who feel that law-abiding citizens should have their guns controlled so that crime may be decreased. No one is going to steal my unregistered guns to use in some crime....because I have a gun to protect my guns.
Taking away anyones right to protect their home and family is just crazy ! As our economy gets increasingly worse there will be more and more desperate people out there.
I will not take a chance that someone may try to come into my home and harm my family in their desperation !If that means breaking the law so be it.

Here in Montana almost all families depend on hunting for our food.
It is no one elses business what kind or how many weapons are in MY home.
The reason why amunition has gone up is because it is being taxed to death by the government.
If someone is intent on killing someone else, believe me they don't need a gun. There are so many other options for them.
On January 18, BBC News Online reported "a huge surge in muggings": "The figures for recorded offences, a blow to the government's anti-crime crusade, show the first rise in England and Wales for six years. The number of robberies - most of them muggings - increased by 19% in the year to September 1999 compared with a fall of nearly 6% over the previous 12 months."

The headline for a January 16 London Times article was: "Killings Rise As 3 Million Illegal Guns Flood Britain." Total crime in London rose by 22% for the year September 1998-1999, and armed crime rose 10%. Gun prohibition has also created a massive new black market smuggling in powerful guns for criminals.

The January 14th Manchester Guardian reported that city is now being called "Gunchester." Police -- who are usually unarmed -- report some gangs are now armed with fully automatic weapons and that guns are "almost a fashion accessory" among young street criminals.

The June 20, 1999 Sunday Express reported: "In recent months there have been a frightening number of shootings in Britain's major cities, despite new laws banning gun ownership. Our investigation established that guns are available through means open to any criminally-minded individual." The government's response? Plans being discussed include: further increasing penalties for gun possession; cracking down on drugs; creating a national DNA database of both innocent and convicted citizens; and restricting knives and air guns
Slow learning curve, huh?

Guns are currently legal in the US, but I think the US should take this a step further:

I would like to see a government grant developed that would insure that all decent, law-abiding citizens, after passing a gun use class, background check and psych eval, would receive a coupon towards gun purchases. There would be bi-yearly competency classes and ammo hands outs as incentives to keep current on your license. Government sponsored shooting competitions with emphasis on junior classes and gun education classes offered in high schools.

The problem with guns is that not enough people have them, not enough are educated to the dangers of having them, know how to use them effectively or will use them often enough. Kids see them as dangerous and forbidden and therefore want them, think its cool to brandish or threaten with them, and do not respect them for their potential. Criminals assume that you won't have one or won't know how to use one and can be threatened with one.

They are nothing more than a tool and are part of this country's heritage. As these other countries have proven, banning or controlling them is unsuccessful at best and a disaster at its worst. Why not go completely in the opposite direction and make sure that a majority of your responsible population are armed effectively? This method was definitely a deterrent in the olden days, when every settler, farmer, townsman had their guns loaded and ready for use, hanging above the mantle.
Part of the reasoning behind "gun control" is thanks to the school shootings over the last few years.

Most of the time kids who took those guns to school had been bullied and were depressed and wanted revenge on the kids who had made, in their teen minds, their lives miserable. This is NOT the fault of guns, but the fault of UNinvolved parents, who weren't aware of what was going on with their children.

As to the boy who just shot his soon to be step mother, it was HIS gun he used! His dad gave it to him for a Christmas gift and let the son keep it in his own room. I am sorry, IF (and that's a HUGE IF) I gave my 11 year old a gun as a gift, you better bet he wouldn't be touching it except under strict supervision.

If parents were more involved with their kids and cared about what their kids were doing, we wouldn't be having a whole lot of gun related KID issues.

My husband hunts. He takes our children on their first hunting trip when they are 6 years old. He lets them hold the shotgun, he lets them practice by pulling the trigger carefully aimed at a target...He lets them feel the kick after the gun fires...but he is there, standing behind them helping them hold the gun, keeping it steady, and aimed in the correct direction.

We talk in depth with our children regarding guns and safety. It is OUR responsibility to do this, NOT the governments! BUT because not ALL parents are responsible, teaching safety and proper handling, the government seems to think they need to step in.

Or your neighbor doesn't like that you have a gun, they have put their nose in where it doesn't belong, and just like your having 4 hens irks them to no end, they won't be happy until you're forced to live the way they think you should live.

Personal Responsibility people. It's not that hard. If we'd all just practice that for ourselves and quit worrying about everyone else, things might go much more smoothly!

Taking guns from law abiding citizens does NOT make you safe.
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