
Can I ask how the H5N2 is transmitted. Does the flock have to be all destroyed or is there medication?

I guess if were me I would keep my flock away from the wind coming from that direction, and not let them when it rains.
I can't answer the question on how it is transmitted, but I can say any infected flocks will definitely be destroyed.

This is a statement my Dept of Agriculture put out last month

Poultry Alert
March 19, 2015

Over the last few weeks there have been multiple identifications of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in multiple states. Both wild birds and domestic birds have been found to be susceptible. The states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, California, Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, and Kansas have had confirmed cases.

The current situation is believed to have resulted from bird to bird contact in the winter feeding areas of wild migratory birds and the subsequent seasonal movement of these birds along their normal migratory pathways. These normal migratory patterns could result in the introduction of HPAI on the East Coast, whether now or later.

The Department of Agricultural Resources, Division of Animal Health is taking this opportunity to alert veterinarians, producers, hobbyists and all other bird owners to this serious threat. MDAR recommends strict biosecurity practices to minimize contact between domestic poultry including waterfowl and wild birds and wild waterfowl.

Clinical signs of Avian Influenza in birds include: respiratory disease, coughing, sneezing, and snicking; decreased egg production; swollen heads; swollen or discolored wattles or combs; or sudden mortality. Flock owners in the affected states have reported sudden dramatic mortality increases in their flocks with no other apparent signs.

It is critically important that owners of flocks experiencing any of these clinical signs immediately notify their veterinarian or state or federal animal health officials. Prompt notification will assist in early detection of the pathogen and hopefully limit the spread of the disease.

The Division of Animal Health can be reached at 617-626-1795. Additional Information regarding Avian Influenza can be found at:

USDA-Avian Influenza - www.aphis.usda.gov/wps/portal/aphis/ourfocus/animalhealth
MDAR Avian Influenza - www.mass.gov/eea/agencies/agr/animal-health/poultry/avian-influenza.html
National Turkey Federation - www.eattrukey.com
You can add Iowa to that list one turkey farm as got it.. we raise turkeys has well and praying we don't get it.. No one is aloud on our grounds,must disaffected everything which we do any ways but more now then ever. 
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I found a video from one of the news stations today. It looks like it's the chicken farm that I can see out my window. This farm is probably a mile away from me. Sucks. I was hoping to get my ladies out into there brand new coop by the end of the weekend. Now, I'm not sure what to do. This just sucks, bird flu, dog flu, what's next?
So is it just a wait and see ??
Is there anything you can do.
How awful for those birds.
And your worry about your girls.

Please keep us posted I am here in NE
There is a member on this site that had to disperse her entire flock in order to keep her job in the commercial industry.

The commercial companies and the Ag Department are taking this VERY seriously.
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They have not publicly said where the facility is, and I have had no one come to my door. But, I also have my ladies still in the garage. Coop should be done this weekend. The only reson I think it's the farm right by mine is I saw a video from a news station, and it looked awfully like the one by me. So, I guess I'm gonna have to be strict on who comes to my house.
These two articles are very informational. One is commercial turkey one is backyard. Go to know what to look for.


USDA Confirms Highly Pathogenic H5N2 Avian Influenza in Backyard Flock in Kansas CDC considers the risk to people from these HPAI H5 infections in ...

USDA Confirms H5N2 Avian Influenza in Commercial Turkey Flock in Minnesota First Finding in the Mississippi Flyway The United States Department of ..
I called the uw extension in my county. He couldn't or wouldn't confirm what farm it was. I even asked him if it was the one that was close to me, he said he couldn't say. I was wondering why nobody contacted me about testing my birds, I guess I have to have a premise Id number. That's how they know who to contact when there is an outbreak. I was reading the info on it, sounds like leaglly I have to have one. I'm not sure how I feel about that. He also told me I should keep my ladies inside till they figure out how it is being transmitted.
Location is not public because the last thing they need there is a bunch of animal rights advocates involved. The owner of the farm also deserves a certain amount of confidentiality.

Remember when TSC was asking chick buyers to sign forms including names and addresses?????

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