
It saddens me about the 5 million chickens in Iowa.

I do agree that it should be public which facility was affected. But, I also can understand the reasons for not. Do I think it's right, no. Do I think its obvious which facility it is? Yeah. If you live in my area, you know. It's no secret. Every local knows. At least everyone I've talked to. I think now that the government is involve they might as well say. Right now, nobody is allowed near my birds. I'm being very cautious.
I found this stat from a recent article interesting:

I wonder if there is something about a backyard flock vs. a commercial flock that makes the former less susceptible than the latter: namely, stocking density and sanitation. Think about it. When are you most likely to catch a respiratory illness from another person? When you are constantly crowded next to them and your overall health is being strained by stress and other pathogens. I am not saying that we should be blase about bio-security, but I don't think there is cause for panic; I think we have superior management on our side.
Birds are kept in huge huge holding areas in their own feces, breathing the "air" the evironmental agency would condemn and treated with anitbiotics and growth hormones to counter act the filth they live in and the conditions they live in. Please does anyone really wonder?
Watch the movie called Resistance I saw it on netflix.
You really should not believe everything you see in movies? Have you ever been in a commercial chicken building?
Oh my gosh you have not read about MRSA ? Unexplained resistance to any antibiotic given to the patient does not kill the bacteria
because bacteria has mutated and is immune to drug therapy..... learning is a good thing.
oops you should watch the movie !
I have been in a commercial chicken facility. A few years ago. I stopped eating chicken and store bought eggs that day.

It was very traumatic. Those birds suffer, and in my opinion, needlessly. Movies such as "Resistance" bring this to the forefront.

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