HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks


Oh, my, goodness!!
Well, we got our Australorp momma and chicks moved so she can start teaching them to be chickens. We let our mommas raise the chicks with the rest of the flock, so I hope she takes good care of them! I am sure she will be happier being out and about.



While we were moving her, we also took a few minutes to check the eggs under our Buff Orpington. I noticed today that she has been pulling feathers out. Out of 14 eggs, one she pushed out on the second day, 3 were broken, so there were only 10 eggs under her. I candled them all, and only 1 was clear (it was one of the ones from my sister). So, here's hoping all 9 hatch!

I had 3 dozen eggs all ready and waiting for these 3 Buff Brahmas to make up their minds, and came home yesterday to this:

I love my dogs, but boy was I angry! I only had those 2 beautiful olive green eggs and was very excited to see what the chicks looked like from them. I need to go out and thoroughly walk our whole property, because I am sure my easter eggers are laying somewhere, but I haven't gotten eggs from them in at least a week.
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I had 3 dozen eggs all ready and waiting for these 3 Buff Brahmas to make up their minds, and came home yesterday to this:

I love my dogs, but boy was I angry! I only had those 2 beautiful olive green eggs and was very excited to see what the chicks looked like from them. I need to go out and thoroughly walk our whole property, because I am sure my easter eggers are laying somewhere, but I haven't gotten eggs from them in at least a week.
If you want to put your dogs off eggs...booby trap some with hot sauce. Blow the eggs out, refill them with hot sauce, pepper, etc...
If you want to put your dogs off eggs...booby trap some with hot sauce. Blow the eggs out, refill them with hot sauce, pepper, etc...:eek:

I will try that!! My dogs are such great dogs, we have never (and I do mean never!) had trouble with them before. There is the occasional thing that might end up in their jaws, but maybe once every 1.5 years at the most. So when I saw this, which was very deliberately a dog (or 4) actually making an effort to take something off the counter, I definitely got mad. And it does make me wonder if the reason I haven't yet been able to find a hidden egg stash outside is because they are finding them first and eating them...
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The little singleton duckling is so photogenic I don't know which picture I like better.

dawwwwwww huggy ducky!!

Finally got a picture (have many, many videos). I planned on moving them all out last night but we didn't have time. So tonight, they are getting moved. After that, I might never get a chance to get close to them again.

I had just taken out a dish of eggs for them. They were super excited!
Well, we got our Australorp momma and chicks moved so she can start teaching them to be chickens. We let our mommas raise the chicks with the rest of the flock, so I hope she takes good care of them! I am sure she will be happier being out and about.

While we were moving her, we also took a few minutes to check the eggs under our Buff Orpington. I noticed today that she has been pulling feathers out. Out of 14 eggs, one she pushed out on the second day, 3 were broken, so there were only 10 eggs under her. I candled them all, and only 1 was clear (it was one of the ones from my sister). So, here's hoping all 9 hatch!

I had 3 dozen eggs all ready and waiting for these 3 Buff Brahmas to make up their minds, and came home yesterday to this:

I love my dogs, but boy was I angry! I only had those 2 beautiful olive green eggs and was very excited to see what the chicks looked like from them. I need to go out and thoroughly walk our whole property, because I am sure my easter eggers are laying somewhere, but I haven't gotten eggs from them in at least a week.
Love that broody image!!! I am sorry about the doggy issue with the eggies!! boooo
Good Morning Everyone!

I had 1 chick out and 2 more eggs with pips this morning, but no time for pics yet, hopefully tonight

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