HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

My black ones seem to start out with a sparse covering over their hinney.

They feather out later

Wow, how strange. Their poor cold tushies.
Hey all things have been pretty crazy around here. Sorry I haven't been doing regular updates the last couple days.

Family wedding Saturday and Sunday we drove to meet another bycer and get some broody chicks from her and her family. Sunday night we took our four guineas out of quarantine and placed them with the main flock. Even though it was dark you should have seen the flock freak out! Lol they predator called for 30 minutes. We couldn't stop laughing. Lol it sounded like the flock was all pointing and laughing at the guineas and the poor guineas kept looking around like they were wondering what all the commotion was about.

Shortly after we fed them everyone settled down and co- mingled. Monday we let the flock out and the guineas for the first time as well. It took the guineas about half an hour to get up the courage and then they went nuts! Lol the predator calls started all over again. They really are doing very well though. I thought they might take off but they even go back in the cooler coop better than some of the chickens. Lol I'm not sure on guinea genders yet. But I'm leaning towards either three females and one male or 2 and 2.

The guineas do very well with the chickens although occasionally the take of running through the chickens and scatter them. I haven't decided yet if they're scattering the chickens on purpose or not. Lol.

Miracle and her brother were upgraded to a brooder but today I moved Miracle back into the bator. She did well for several days on her own and was seemingly eating and drinking great. Last night at bed check she pooped normally twice, had a clean butt and had what felt like feed in her crop. I've been giving her some egg yolk mixture here and there but this morning her butt was moderately pasty. It was cleaned immediately but she seems weak, she's quite thin, and today seems to be having trouble standing much. Her brother seems to have been knocking into her in his little mad chickie dashes. I fear I'm losing her. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She's such a fighter. As long as she has that fight and doesn't seen to be obviously suffering I will continue to fight for her. I've fed her a lot of egg yolk mix today and it does seem to have helped some. Her little crop gets full and I let her rest. I've added some apple sauce today for the sugar and to tempt her taste buds. It also contains antibiotics electrolytes and pribiotics. All I can do is keep trying hoping and praying.

Will update everyone around lunch tomorrow after morning chores.

I hope she recovers!

sounds like you have been very busy, i hope miracle makes it for you :hugs

Hi everyone. It was a long night and when I finally went to bed I didn't have much hope for Miracle but I had gotten some food in her again and I knew it was leaving her crop. Unfortunately this morning my little Miracle was gone. She fought hard and we gave it our all. She was a chick that I never expected to make it out of the egg and then day after day went by and I couldn't believe what a fighter she was. I think in the end the infection was spreading and was just too great for her to fight anymore. I could finally see some dark in her abdomen. Man for those first several days I was hopeful that she had dodged the bullet.
It sucks and for the moment her brother is alone. I have a friend who has also been hatching and hopefully she'll make it out with another chick or two so that he doesn't have to be alone.

While it sucks I'm glad Miracle didn't languish for days. She made it 5 days and her first four were incredible. She was seemingly healthy, active, and the sweetest chick I've ever met. It wasn't really until her last day and a half that I could tell she was declining. I'm glad she didn't suffer long had she still been alive we would have ended her suffering today. It was quite clear that she was failing last night at 2 am.

Goodbye Miracle I hope I never forget your sweetness.
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Hi everyone. It was a long night and when I finally went to bed I didn't have much hope for Miracle but I had gotten some food in her again and I knew it was leaving her crop. Unfortunately this morning my little Miracle was gone. She fought hard and we gave it our all. She was a chick that I never expected to make it out of the egg and then day after day went by and I couldn't believe what a fighter she was. I think in the end the infection was spreading and was just too great for her to fight anymore. I could finally see some dark in her abdomen. Man for those first several days I was hopeful that she had dodged the bullet.
It sucks and for the moment her brother is alone. I have a friend who has also been hatching and hopefully she'll make it out with another chick or two so that he doesn't have to be alone.

While it sucks I'm glad Miracle didn't languish for days. She made it 5 days and her first four were incredible. She was seemingly healthy, active, and the sweetest chick I've ever met. It wasn't really until her last day and a half that I could tell she was declining. I'm glad she didn't suffer long had she still been alive we would have ended her suffering today. It was quite clear that she was failing last night at 2 am.

Goodbye Miracle I hope I never forget your sweetness.
I am so sorry you lost her.
so sorry for the loss of Miracle.

Hi everyone. It was a long night and when I finally went to bed I didn't have much hope for Miracle but I had gotten some food in her again and I knew it was leaving her crop. Unfortunately this morning my little Miracle was gone. She fought hard and we gave it our all. She was a chick that I never expected to make it out of the egg and then day after day went by and I couldn't believe what a fighter she was. I think in the end the infection was spreading and was just too great for her to fight anymore. I could finally see some dark in her abdomen. Man for those first several days I was hopeful that she had dodged the bullet.
It sucks and for the moment her brother is alone. I have a friend who has also been hatching and hopefully she'll make it out with another chick or two so that he doesn't have to be alone.

While it sucks I'm glad Miracle didn't languish for days. She made it 5 days and her first four were incredible. She was seemingly healthy, active, and the sweetest chick I've ever met. It wasn't really until her last day and a half that I could tell she was declining. I'm glad she didn't suffer long had she still been alive we would have ended her suffering today. It was quite clear that she was failing last night at 2 am.

Goodbye Miracle I hope I never forget your sweetness.
Hi everyone. It was a long night and when I finally went to bed I didn't have much hope for Miracle but I had gotten some food in her again and I knew it was leaving her crop. Unfortunately this morning my little Miracle was gone. She fought hard and we gave it our all. She was a chick that I never expected to make it out of the egg and then day after day went by and I couldn't believe what a fighter she was. I think in the end the infection was spreading and was just too great for her to fight anymore. I could finally see some dark in her abdomen. Man for those first several days I was hopeful that she had dodged the bullet.
It sucks and for the moment her brother is alone. I have a friend who has also been hatching and hopefully she'll make it out with another chick or two so that he doesn't have to be alone.

While it sucks I'm glad Miracle didn't languish for days. She made it 5 days and her first four were incredible. She was seemingly healthy, active, and the sweetest chick I've ever met. It wasn't really until her last day and a half that I could tell she was declining. I'm glad she didn't suffer long had she still been alive we would have ended her suffering today. It was quite clear that she was failing last night at 2 am.

Goodbye Miracle I hope I never forget your sweetness.
so sorry, you definitely gave her your best

well, so far on day 21 we've got about 7 pips out of the 11 eggs set in lockdown. woo hoo common' chickies you can do it, eh!
This all makes me wish that I had babies to hatch! Sadly my DIY incubator got destroyed in a dog/child related accident...

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