HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

So it is official 5 out of 7 Salmon Faverolles hatched and 2 out of 2 Millie Fleur d'Uccles hatched!!! :celebrate


For those who've had single hatchlings, and didn't have an idea mate to toss into the bin with it. I've got the baby sitting on my lap hanging out with me. It has a 1 eyed monkey rabbit in the cage with it, but I thought it wanted some company.

My ducks are too big for it, and none of the other chickens acted nice that were a few weeks older when I tried to see if any of them would adopt it.

My one youngest sex link hen, thinks she's a turkey now, and won't happily leave her 5 turkey buddies.... she was going to kill it when I tried to show her the baby....

Of course, I have more due to hatch in about 8-12 days. (were on day 9ish, so in another 10 days or so we'll be on lock down and waiting for new baby silkies.)

she's chirping non stop on my lap, and I don't know if she's happy, sad, bored, upset... she's not trying to run away. she's just chilling, but chirping.

she's so tiny :(

i thought maybe she was cold, so I've got her stuck in my bra atm. I won't traumatize anyone with pictures of that though.

Awww, she is tiny. Maybe she will be big enough for the ones to come in 10 days or so! She's happy to have your company. You get to be mommy showing her how to drink and eat. Cute.
Congrats to everyone on the new hatches!

I've been up to my eyeballs in duckling poo, so haven't been online much. OMG, 15 of them in a bathtub is just not good. So with heavy heart, they moved out to the pole building. They are happy and having a blast, so the only sad one is me. DH made them a box, it's 8' long so they have room to run and muck things up.
Here they are, pigging up their new digs:

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