HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

I didn't completely understand your PM. So they're heritage but you're having problems with color leakage? How odd I wouldn't expect them to have any. I'm still learning and have only seen the ones my friend has but hers were incredible. What do you mean by the pullets having a spot last hatch? We are really wanting some nice heritage stock and DH2B likes the Rocks. Originally we planned to try white rocks but couldn't find heritage so we got hatchery. The cockerals were awful! Just dumb as can be and terrible to the girls they were the first ones we processed. We also lost several to predators. Then we met the SPR and PR that my friend raises(she doesn't have a partridge rock roo so runs both colors together) I love her birds they're incredible! Big and impressive! She also has HRIR. Unfortunately the eggs we got this spring were all from the partridge hen covered by the SPR roo. They look very cool but next year we will be getting pure ones after they're separated.
I was unable to find the SOP. When I finally did, it sounds like I was worried about nothing. I was going off of what I was told from the breeder.
Heritage doesn't mean perfect. It means that they are not from a hatchery, and are being bred for quality not quantity.
The brown I was worried about at a few weeks is simply what was left over from the chick coloring. I saw it as a flaw. It isn't.
Is it too late to join the Halloween HAL?

On the 6th I got 19 Araucana eggs from 2 different breeders back East. I gave them 12hrs to come up to room temp, then I candled them and marked what I could see...and I set them at 1230am on the 7th...

This is my 2nd attempt at hatching eggs, and of course, they had to be expensive, shipped eggs!

The empty spot separates the 2 different clutches. A dozen on the left and then 7 on the right. The 2nd egg up from the bottom left, it has wax on a crack... that's the visible line.
Not too late.
Good luck with the hatch!
Day 20 for my broody, no action yet from her three eggs. Day 3 for the incubator. 11 clearly developing eggs out of 27. I'll recheck to be sure on Day 5. Fall fertility issues with the main rooster. The cockerel isn't doing much better.
Good luck!

Quote: Rooster is a mature cockerel, I believe a cockerel becomes a rooster at a year old, much like a pullet becomes a hen.

Dun Dun Duuuuunnnnnnn!!!!

Lovely, good luck!

have 16 eggs stuffed in the incubator for an expected halloween hatch...most are either light sussex (pure) or light sussex x araucana but two are from two of my slightly older "scrub bantam" chooks (basically a backyard flock of very funny looking tiny birds that have a tendency to be so broody that they'll try to hatch everything from river stones to potatoes)....IF they are fertile they are also crossed with the light sussex roo (im not even sure it the logistics of that are possible, but I figured it would be worth a try)...

Hopefully this will do better than the last batch, where i had 5 clear eggs, and one baby that failed to even pip and died in the shell >.<
Good luck!

My 2 Silkies hatched today, right on time! I've never had Silkies before, can anybody tell what colors these are?

Is it too late to join the Halloween HAL?

On the 6th I got 19 Araucana eggs from 2 different breeders back East. I gave them 12hrs to come up to room temp, then I candled them and marked what I could see...and I set them at 1230am on the 7th...

This is my 2nd attempt at hatching eggs, and of course, they had to be expensive, shipped eggs!

The empty spot separates the 2 different clutches. A dozen on the left and then 7 on the right. The 2nd egg up from the bottom left, it has wax on a crack... that's the visible line.
Not too late. Welcome and good luck with your hatch!

9 EGGS INTO THE INCUBATOR DUE HALLOWEEN - anything they lay today will go in this evening.
Good luck!
The first one to pip last night died. It was cheeping when I went to class at 9 and I didn't hear it at 1 when I got home. It pipped face down. I don't think it could turn in the egg because it was a small egg. Any other thoughts? Two more pipped and I'm worried for them. I put in a warm wet cloth when I took the egg out. Humidity seems fine. Here's a pic after I peeled eggshell from its face. It only cracked the shell a half inch.

The first one to pip last night died. It was cheeping when I went to class at 9 and I didn't hear it at 1 when I got home. It pipped face down. I don't think it could turn in the egg because it was a small egg. Any other thoughts? Two more pipped and I'm worried for them. I put in a warm wet cloth when I took the egg out. Humidity seems fine. Here's a pic after I peeled eggshell from its face. It only cracked the shell a half inch.

The chick is positioned properly. Looks like the membrane dried out too much.
The chick is positioned properly. Looks like the membrane dried out too much.
It's beak was turned back in the shell with it's nostrils covered up. I'm thinking it could have suffocated because it wasn't even pipped all that long. I did increase my moisture in the incubator in case it was too dry. The humidity has been a pain since lock down. All the other three are pipped and still cheeping. I've got another class and then we'll see how they are doing in a couple hours.
I was unable to find the SOP. When I finally did, it sounds like I was worried about nothing. I was going off of what I was told from the breeder.
Heritage doesn't mean perfect. It means that they are not from a hatchery, and are being bred for quality not quantity.
The brown I was worried about at a few weeks is simply what was left over from the chick coloring. I saw it as a flaw. It isn't.

Okay I understand now. Also yes I know heritage versus SOP and hatchery. While I enjoy SOP birds and want to find a happy medium I prefer the heritage bred birds that are raised to be able to survive and thrive on a homestead. I just like some beauty in them too. :)
The first one to pip last night died. It was cheeping when I went to class at 9 and I didn't hear it at 1 when I got home. It pipped face down. I don't think it could turn in the egg because it was a small egg. Any other thoughts? Two more pipped and I'm worried for them. I put in a warm wet cloth when I took the egg out. Humidity seems fine. Here's a pic after I peeled eggshell from its face. It only cracked the shell a half inch.

Okay I understand now. Also yes I know heritage versus SOP and hatchery. While I enjoy SOP birds and want to find a happy medium I prefer the heritage bred birds that are raised to be able to survive and thrive on a homestead. I just like some beauty in them too.
So one of my little eggs pipped a little bit ago. It's rocking around and peeping a bit. The other three aren't doing anything and I don't see pips on them. They were rocking last night and some today. Should I be worried they've stopped rocking without a pip? I know there's nothing much I can do with the one trying to hatch, I just want to know if it's something to be concerned about.

I was looking for this, and finally found it for you.

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