HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

I don't think I'm going to be able to stay in this HAL.

I'm waiting to here from the state vet about whether or not my chickens have MG, if they do I may end up destroying my incubating eggs.

I've lost one pullet to the illness and I culled one and sent it for a necropsy, I'm waiting for the results from the cultures and histopathology......

I am so sad. I finally get my d'Uccles from @TJChickens and I may not even get to hatch them because I added eggs into the bator from my flock.

I'm so sorry!!!
i hope it was a fluke and that you get other news

One week into incubating 27 eggs set. 25 are ALIVE 2 were blood rings. I'm in sooo much trouble if these hatch. No where to put them yet.
c'mon eggies!!!

is this the light rope bator you made??

A real break/pip in the egg this am and i have to work. Poor baby has no one to coach and cheer it out. Fingers crossed it makes it out ok and maybe my other 2 hatch as well while i am at work. 12.5 hours make for a long day when i have this happening at home.

A real break/pip in the egg this am and i have to work. Poor baby has no one to coach and cheer it out. Fingers crossed it makes it out ok and maybe my other 2 hatch as well while i am at work. 12.5 hours make for a long day when i have this happening at home.
good luck little chick!

Have fun at work! at least you wont be hovering over the bator
I have 6 NN eggs left going well, the air cells even look good right now. Lock down this Tues.

So many cute baby photos.

So sorry for the loss of some, and SARIS..man, I hope things work out for the best!
Good news on the NN!

One week into incubating 27 eggs set. 25 are ALIVE 2 were blood rings. I'm in sooo much trouble if these hatch. No where to put them yet.

Great! I know the feeling of being in trouble if everything going hatches.

A real break/pip in the egg this am and i have to work. Poor baby has no one to coach and cheer it out. Fingers crossed it makes it out ok and maybe my other 2 hatch as well while i am at work. 12.5 hours make for a long day when i have this happening at home.
Come on chickies. There is a good chance they will just rest while you're gone.
Oh no! I am sorry! :-(


I'm so sorry!!!
i hope it was a fluke and that you get other news

Thank you!

I have talked to the people who wanted chicks from me and at least one is still interested regardless of the results, she has had some respiratory issues in her flock already so she knows how to deal with them. I may try and find an MG pos home for all these chicks. Or something else, it's so hard knowing that the illness is so prevalent and even clearing out means I can still get infected from wild animals. Maybe I should follow my husband's advice and breed for resistance.....

Thank you!

I have talked to the people who wanted chicks from me and at least one is still interested regardless of the results, she has had some respiratory issues in her flock already so she knows how to deal with them. I may try and find an MG pos home for all these chicks. Or something else, it's so hard knowing that the illness is so prevalent and even clearing out means I can still get infected from wild animals. Maybe I should follow my husband's advice and breed for resistance.....
I would definitely just breed for resistance. There's a reason wild birds do so well. The weak die off, and those who survive, and live, breed healthier off spring over time. This is the best way to have a healthier flock of chickens, too.

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