HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

Most people that I've seen take good care of their flocks and have pretty healthy birds. I have seen people asking for advice with sneezing birds and wry neck so chances are that MG is already in the area. I know 2 people that have Meraks + flocks as well, they are keeping a closed flock now. I will see who pulls through and what the vet says and go from there. If it's not a new infection I suppose the sudden extended rain and cold could have stressed them, but I also started locking them in their coops after a raccoon got in the run and killed my oldest hen. Would being stuck in the coop until I let them out be stressful enough to weaken them? The coop isn't a great size because previously they only slept and laid in it, but now they spend about and extra hour to two hours in it in them morning than they were before.
Most people that I've seen take good care of their flocks and have pretty healthy birds. I have seen people asking for advice with sneezing birds and wry neck so chances are that MG is already in the area. I know 2 people that have Meraks + flocks as well, they are keeping a closed flock now. I will see who pulls through and what the vet says and go from there. If it's not a new infection I suppose the sudden extended rain and cold could have stressed them, but I also started locking them in their coops after a raccoon got in the run and killed my oldest hen. Would being stuck in the coop until I let them out be stressful enough to weaken them? The coop isn't a great size because previously they only slept and laid in it, but now they spend about and extra hour to two hours in it in them morning than they were before.
its possible that the decreased forage time/ventilation/raccoon attack could have stressed them enough
Quote: They look too perfect to be real!

SO cute!

@Wickedchicken6 about the Araucana that would be a girl for you...
The heat lamp is putting a yellow/red/orange cast to him, but he is a brilliant burnt red...comb is already reddening and goes back on the head a little ways in my opinion. Most of my chicks are these low profile type combs, so WAY harder to guess early...

My beautiful and lovey dovey boy Maran. He's got soft fluffy feathers all over him, which according to Facebook when I asked there about it, another's Splash Maran had same soft feathers till around 3 months old then adult feathers came in... I really wish his would stay like that. Glad he like being pet
The Araucana loves to jump out of the brooder and chase all the animals, this one, while bigger and can fly even better-doesn't ever jump out. He runs back n forth jumping on things and freaking the others out till I put my hand inside where he jumps on and waits to be picked up
Why these two have to be boys
My first Hatchlings. <3

...and good morning...and TGIF everyone... now to get my butt ready for work already..,
That IS really red.

I looked into a couple of the light quail eggs. But they're SO delicate I broke one. I'm not even touching them right now.
Just tilting the pan. If they hatch they hatch. I can see in the guinea eggs, but those darn dots on the side make me question what's going on.
I don't think there's anything. I'm thinking they aren't fertilized. They're laying much younger than the mom was. Such petite eggs.
Maybe don't cheer on the 35 "too" much...lol. I'll have to devise a "plan C" if they do.

I might candle tonight, I think this is day 12.
Quote: They look too perfect to be real!

SO cute!

@Wickedchicken6 about the Araucana that would be a girl for you...
The heat lamp is putting a yellow/red/orange cast to him, but he is a brilliant burnt red...comb is already reddening and goes back on the head a little ways in my opinion. Most of my chicks are these low profile type combs, so WAY harder to guess early...

My beautiful and lovey dovey boy Maran. He's got soft fluffy feathers all over him, which according to Facebook when I asked there about it, another's Splash Maran had same soft feathers till around 3 months old then adult feathers came in... I really wish his would stay like that. Glad he like being pet
The Araucana loves to jump out of the brooder and chase all the animals, this one, while bigger and can fly even better-doesn't ever jump out. He runs back n forth jumping on things and freaking the others out till I put my hand inside where he jumps on and waits to be picked up
Why these two have to be boys
My first Hatchlings. <3

...and good morning...and TGIF everyone... now to get my butt ready for work already..,
That IS really red.

I looked into a couple of the light quail eggs. But they're SO delicate I broke one. I'm not even touching them right now.
Just tilting the pan. If they hatch they hatch. I can see in the guinea eggs, but those darn dots on the side make me question what's going on.
I don't think there's anything. I'm thinking they aren't fertilized. They're laying much younger than the mom was. Such petite eggs.
Maybe don't cheer on the 35 "too" much...lol. I'll have to devise a "plan C" if they do.

I might candle tonight, I think this is day 12.

I never bothered to candle quail eggs when I had them. I also had a difficult time candling guinea eggs, some would look a head, others behind, then it made since when the hatch would last a few days.
So if this happens to a flock and one decides to cull them, can the chickens still be eaten? Or have to be disposed of or burned?
Just curious.

Agree on the rare birds but I bought mine with eating both eggs and meat. These guys were bred for that hundreds of years ago. So I'm hopeful it will work out. Haven't had any yet.
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I eat every one I cull. They are not actually culls but raised for eating. 14 are ready I'm not. :lau
However the roosters are being to rooster like and it's time.

Ours are as well. I had to laugh because the majority of our flock we got this year to start our self sustaining flock. We ordered pullets and a couple cockerels. Including Mo (our existing rooster) we ended up with 8. No problem, they are meat birds. But when it came time to cull the roos... lol Well, we ended up finding homes for them. Of course we kept the best ones. I am not sure if Duke just did not want to find the time, or if he felt bad. But they all went on to have happy rooster lives with their own flocks. :-D

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