HALLOWEEN Hatch-a-Long 2016 w/ Hosts, Mike, Sally & BantyChooks

so at the beginning of the day I thought the upside down chick with the bubble on its back was doing better. I started giving oral antibiotics last night and the large fluid bubble disappeared by morning. However I just got home after being out most the day. The chick is still active, but its now walking on its knees, and I think it's abdomen is getting darker. It's still holding it's wing at an award angle and there seems to be a definite red knob on the second wing joint as well as the swelling at the base. I'm starting to think I should cull.
I've been giving it save a chick, vitamins, and antibiotics. I don't know what more I can do.

On a happier note I have 10 balls of fluff bouncing off the brooder walls going crazy and being super cute! :)
Another day has come and gone, and STILL I don't know how many chicks are under this hen! At the very least, there are 3, but I personally have only seen 2 (unless they look exactly alike and I am seeing different ones at different times). Duke has seen 3 at the same time, and heard more under her.


Anybody know what a chick would look like from Splash Polish x Dominique?
so at the beginning of the day I thought the upside down chick with the bubble on its back was doing better. I started giving oral antibiotics last night and the large fluid bubble disappeared by morning. However I just got home after being out most the day. The chick is still active, but its now walking on its knees, and I think it's abdomen is getting darker. It's still holding it's wing at an award angle and there seems to be a definite red knob on the second wing joint as well as the swelling at the base. I'm starting to think I should cull.
I've been giving it save a chick, vitamins, and antibiotics. I don't know what more I can do.

On a happier note I have 10 balls of fluff bouncing off the brooder walls going crazy and being super cute! :)

I'm sorry. It does sound like it's time. :hugs
The image of the chicks makes me smile.
Another day has come and gone, and STILL I don't know how many chicks are under this hen! At the very least, there are 3, but I personally have only seen 2 (unless they look exactly alike and I am seeing different ones at different times). Duke has seen 3 at the same time, and heard more under her.


Anybody know what a chick would look like from Splash Polish x Dominique?

Nope! But congrats on the new babies!
Another day has come and gone, and STILL I don't know how many chicks are under this hen! At the very least, there are 3, but I personally have only seen 2 (unless they look exactly alike and I am seeing different ones at different times). Duke has seen 3 at the same time, and heard more under her.

Anybody know what a chick would look like from Splash Polish x Dominique?

I love mama and baby photos. :) I have a mama out there right now. So cute how they tuck in under her, jump up on her back and get a piggy back ride. They are getting older, so not seeing the mom lay down as much now. The just skuttle butt around like little chickens, kicking up the dirt like mom has shown them.
I am sorry for all of the ones that didn't make it. :hugs
You know that the picture literally looks like homemade chicken nuggets, right? :lau

I suppose it does... :p

Um... my chicks yolk appears to no longer be absorbing...

Very strong, vigorous chick, was hard to get that picture above...here it is with the others. Pretty large.

Took it out of incubator because it was harming the not yet ready chicks with its reckless climbing on them trying to get out...hoping the one it caused to bleed will be ok... :( Well both chicks actually.
well the chick I was worried about just self culled by drowning in the water dish, it wedged its head between marbles.

....and here I was researching the most humane ways of culling chicks. didn't figure it would be taken out of my hands so quickly.
2 hatched. 1 has a string attached to its belly. With a small blackish lump, black skin chicken. Got the first 1 out between pips because it was climbing all over the one that just hatched. Now 1 more is pecki g way out, cant pull injured baby out. What to do about the mysterious dragging stuff.
Here I come to save the daaaaaay!!
well the chick I was worried about just self culled by drowning in the water dish, it wedged its head between marbles.

....and here I was researching the most humane ways of culling chicks. didn't figure it would be taken out of my hands so quickly.

Well, heck! I hate even a bug drowning. But it is out of your hands. :/ So sorry it happened, but glad it wasn't something you had to do.

I suppose it does... :p

Um... my chicks yolk appears to no longer be absorbing...

Very strong, vigorous chick, was hard to get that picture above...here it is with the others. Pretty large.

Took it out of incubator because it was harming the not yet ready chicks with its reckless climbing on them trying to get out...hoping the one it caused to bleed will be ok... :( Well both chicks actually.

Just keep it clean, and I wouldn't worry. For both. Maybe Blue Kote your hands, and hope some gets on them.

2 hatched. 1 has a string attached to its belly. With a small blackish lump, black skin chicken. Got the first 1 out between pips because it was climbing all over the one that just hatched. Now 1 more is pecki g way out, cant pull injured baby out. What to do about the mysterious dragging stuff.

Nothing. It will come off on its own. Pull it, and risk hurting the chick.
I love mama and baby photos.   :)   I have a mama out there right now.  So cute how they tuck in under her, jump up on her back and get a piggy back ride.  They are getting older, so not seeing the mom lay down as much now.  The just skuttle butt around like little chickens, kicking up the dirt like mom has shown them.  

I love it too!! We have one from last week's chicks that loves to climb up on it's momma. The little black one from this one does it too. Our week old chicks are fearless! They wander quite a ways from their momma, and chase after anyone/anything. I think 3 of them are boys. Way fun to watch! What really cracks me up is our 12 week old chicks. They are still with their momma, and still try to get under her! Lol

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