Hands on hatching and help





From shipped Call eggs... started with 30 eggs... 22 eggs made it to lockdown, 18 hatched but 2 didn't survive... 16 healthy Call babies (1 not pictured)...


This one came from the smallest Call egg I have ever hatched, 35g egg... 20g little 'ling... :)

OMG, Oh My God. I gotta me get some of those. Next year. They are beautiful lings Ravyn.
Oww!! Twistin' arms again!!

From shipped Call eggs... started with 30 eggs... 22 eggs made it to lockdown, 18 hatched but 2 didn't survive... 16 healthy Call babies (1 not pictured)...

This one came from the smallest Call egg I have ever hatched, 35g egg... 20g little 'ling...
Way too cute!!! I really think ducks are the cutest of ALL the birds as babies. You can't beat a duckling for cuteness...lol


I dunno why but I couldn't stop laughing at these pictures. They just look so silly and stupid in that castle that I just couldn't contain myself. It really shouldn't be that funny but I just cannot handle myself.
I haven't done this is a looooonnnnnngggggg time, but you're asking for it.....
They don't look stupid they look adorable.

I am gonna be honest.
I was wondering if anyone else is up? Ugh I can't sleep. Been trying to cut back on caffiene-Thanks folks,thanks is all I'm gonna say.(please don't take that comment as disrespectful at times I can be sarcastic). Two have pipped& I'm scared I'm gonna miss it. I just want them to know I'm here. When I peek at them they just stick their beaks out LiKe "yeah we aren't ready yet"..so I wait.
Plus I keep thinking about this missing women in VA. Its all over the place. Amy's avatar reminds me of her too(no offense Amy I can't help but mention some obvious). And if it's not Amy then I think of Anna on "19Kids and counting" or "counting on" TLC(I think?). If you Google Steve mittendourf VA you will trip over what I'm talking about(lots of links too many to list one). I know byc ain't supposed to "save the world" but I'm reminded of that little kids post on random rambles&etc (it was so hopeful&sweet btw). If we can hunt down breeds of chickens in this crazy world,,,well, I dunno people amaze me when they work
Sorry I'm rambeling.
Gotta check chicks again...will update hatch status in the morning.
Keep pip'n hatchers.
I saw that on fb a fewdays go. So sad. One of the girls I graduated with had a best friend, Joey Lynn Offutt that cam up missing a few years ago. She had 3 kids I believe, they found the body of her baby in the burnt out house, eventually found her car and her other two kids were at their grandparents I believe but they have never found her. I tried doing some research looking into the cases where unidentified bodies have been recovered (there's a whole do you know me website) to see if I could find anything that pieced together and it's unbelivable the unsolved cases out there. It breaks your heart.

Wish I could help, BigWeenMachine, but I've never used the egg weight system... I've only monitored air cell growth...
xs 2

My first hatch was yesterday! 6 viable eggs. I lost the first chick in the shell because I never got involved early enough. The next one came by itself with no problems. Number three zipped but got stuck and I had to cut the membrane, that one is doing great! The next two I had to help with all the zipping, they are now up and walking and looking for food. The last chick I had to do everything, pip & zip, that one is standing but clearly in danger and looks like it has dried slime on it. I have been slowly trying too brush the crud off. No question; just wanted to share and say that this is my first eggs and I intervened with what seems at the moment to be pretty good success. Too bad I never got involved earlier as the one that did was the only white chick amoung 5 blacks ones.
Congrats on the hatchers!!!

Thanks you to all that helped me with this precious little baby. His neck has straightened out and he is up walking and really doing great. Trying to jump out of my brooder actually! He still has some gunk on him, but here's a pic

It's beautiful.




From shipped Call eggs... started with 30 eggs... 22 eggs made it to lockdown, 18 hatched but 2 didn't survive... 16 healthy Call babies (1 not pictured)...


This one came from the smallest Call egg I have ever hatched, 35g egg... 20g little 'ling... :)

They are so beautiful!! I love them! You should see some of the new call eggs that came. Some are the same size as my silkie eggs! Super tiny eggs! I'll weigh one to see how much it is.

No offense taken.  I am new to hatching and figured I would try it out to see if it works.  I do have 2 going.  When I first started i fit 15 eggs in my brinsea but had 20.  So I put the other 5 in my Lyon incubator with all of my ancona and other runner ducks that got the bacterial infection.  I'm down to 3 in the Lyon and 7 in the Brinsea.  I never combined them cos I was afraid the ones in the Lyon would contaminate the ones in the Brinsea.  I think I'm gonna stick them all together in the Lyon to hatch though cos I hate my FI incubator that I was using as a hatcher. 

Does anyone know if i can move eggs from an autoturner in the Lyon bator to hand turning in the Brinsea?  I have 4 eggs from the yard that are maybe ten days old in the Lyon with the 3 runners and I wanna move them to the Brinsea but don't know if that works to switch them around.

I tried the weight loss method on my second or third hatch. Wanted to try it out too. You have to weigh the eggs from the date they were laid or collected. They start loosing moisture from the second that they are laid. Is it possible you weighed right before set but after some had been laid longer then others? The best way I found was tracing air cells 3x per incubation period. Really helps you watch how much they are growing. Good luck on them! And yes you can switch to hand turning anytime. Waiting for my duck to hatch so I can switch my developers over from the 20 to the mini.
Here's my progress so far. He managed to get a wing out but that's it. Looks like he's trying to get out. Can any duck people tell me what can I do next? Keep waiting? Start a zip? I know I can't pull him out of the egg, so I'm literally sitting on my hands.
Oh, man... owls are relentless... sorry for your KC, I lost a couple to one too... what state are you in, btw? Some states do have a law about protecting your property and livestock...

I'm in Colorado. I thought I could shoot them in order to protect my birds here but after talking to the Division of wildlife to get a permit they told me the owls are protected here in Colorado. Someone told me to set up "squirrel traps" that involve a snare and then maybe you can get lucky to "accidentally" catch one and then have it removed. Or better yet, maybe it "accidentally" strangles itself in the snare or hits it's head on a shovel really hard.....

My screen is shrunk down to like half it's normal size. I can hardly read the posts on here. Anyone else have that problem?
I'm in Colorado. I thought I could shoot them in order to protect my birds here but after talking to the Division of wildlife to get a permit they told me the owls are protected here in Colorado. Someone told me to set up "squirrel traps" that involve a snare and then maybe you can get lucky to "accidentally" catch one and then have it removed. Or better yet, maybe it "accidentally" strangles itself in the snare or hits it's head on a shovel really hard.....

My screen is shrunk down to like half it's normal size. I can hardly read the posts on here. Anyone else have that problem?

Accidents DO happen....
Thanks you to all that helped me with this precious little baby. His neck has straightened out and he is up walking and really doing great. Trying to jump out of my brooder actually! He still has some gunk on him, but here's a pic

He's cute. Can't tell for sure cos my screen is shrunk but almost looks like he has some yellow around his face? Do think it has some Roeun in it?
I haven't done this is a looooonnnnnngggggg time, but you're asking for it.....
They don't look stupid they look adorable.

LOL, Hope I didn;t offend you. They are cute but something about the combination of baby chicks and a play castle just hit my funny bone. Those two things just don't come up in the same sentence too often, or really ever until now, so I think the pure randomness of it is hilarious! Now you've got me giggling again thinking about it!
They are so beautiful!! I love them! You should see some of the new call eggs that came. Some are the same size as my silkie eggs! Super tiny eggs! I'll weigh one to see how much it is.
I tried the weight loss method on my second or third hatch. Wanted to try it out too. You have to weigh the eggs from the date they were laid or collected. They start loosing moisture from the second that they are laid. Is it possible you weighed right before set but after some had been laid longer then others? The best way I found was tracing air cells 3x per incubation period. Really helps you watch how much they are growing. Good luck on them! And yes you can switch to hand turning anytime. Waiting for my duck to hatch so I can switch my developers over from the 20 to the mini.

Yea, these were shipped eggs so I don't know how long for sure they had been laid before I got them. They could really be closer to 18 or 20% weight loss i they were laid 4 or 5 days before I got them. Now I'm really worried.

Did you ever have any that lost more than the 14% that hatched okay?
Here's my progress so far. He managed to get a wing out but that's it. Looks like he's trying to get out. Can any duck people tell me what can I do next? Keep waiting? Start a zip? I know I can't pull him out of the egg, so I'm literally sitting on my hands.

Lol, boy ducks can be lil brats at hatching time. Is he out yet? He looks like if he hiccuped he'd fall right out of there but he wants to be stubborn.

Looks like maybe the membrane has him tucked in there like a hammock. If he pushes and can't get out in the next hour or so you might have to tear that membrane a lil bit at the bottom of the egg. I had one of my anconas that had a similar issue with the membrane and you could watch him push and push yet the membrane just stretched and bounced back to it's original shape. Once I put a lil tear in the membrane the lil ducky was able to finally push his way out. from that picture, I would think a straight tear from membrane below his wing down towards the bottom of the egg should do it. That is of course if there are no veins in the membrane.

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