Hands on hatching and help

Banty, until I got this latest batch of Silkie eggs all I had were bad air cells!!  Grrrr  In fact, they were so bad that, as I think you know, out of 39 eggs I got 3 chicks! These from @RubyNala97
 were so good that even at the last candling when it was time to mark air cells I wasn't sure they looked okay - seemed way too small and tight after what I'd seen before!  Duh, Diane!!

Can't offer you any words of wisdom but do have empathy - I know how frustrating it is.  Wish you all the best of luck!

So glad you got some good ones!

Thank you! So nice to have support from those who explode if they can't candle, instead of "No touchy!". I have a blast seeing new life moving and changing.... Best feeling ever. :D
So glad you got some good ones!

Thank you! So nice to have support from those who explode if they can't candle, instead of "No touchy!". I have a blast seeing new life moving and changing.... Best feeling ever.


Hmmm... where did I put those darn scissors??....

Candling scares me. I will help an egg if it's struggling if it makes a hole big enough to help. It's hard for me to remember to spell all your names correctly. I have a hard time sorry. I not trying to disrespect anyone. I have a hard time with things.its not easy for me to move around.
Good morning. I tried helping a little after I posted that picture of the external pip. Because she wasn't breathing. Maybe you're correct that she hit a vein. I'm so sad! I let her rest for about 1 hour after I found that pip & wish I woyld have gone with my gut that she was in danger. I didn't want to make an emotional decision. The other egg quit too. I'm doomed for hatching this year I think. Ugh:hit

Was there blood? It was hard to tell from the pic but something didn't look right. It looked to dark, like blood. I'm sorry you lost that one but each hatch and each loss is a HUGE learning experience. :hugs

Tonight is lockdown for me. I can't see crap in most of these eggs. I need to get some new batteries and see if I can at least tell if they are all still going. I'd get one of those super bright military flashlights they were advertising, but I fear they'd be blinded for life.  This little light I have is great when it's got brand new batteries, but it drains batteries really fast. Doesn't matter whether they are duracel or dollar store batteries.  My previous plans were to leave Friday for my weekend away. (Just to clarify, my weekend away is not by myself...lol My son is going too. It's "our" weekend away I guess I should say.) I might have a chance to get out of here Thursday night.  Thursday is OFFICIAL hatch day.  My hatches generally usually run most of their courses on day 19/20, but the bator has been so steady for this incubation that with my luck they will actually hatch on time instead of early.  And even though my sister will be here and technically the babies are for her, I'm a better assister....lol  Ok, she actually sucks assisting, She had too many assists die. So I'm hoping that the babies are all hatched by Thursday afternoon at the latest.

You're cutting it close but you do usually hatch early. :fl

Does anyone use a flashlight for candling that they love?  I have been using our big Maglight and while it's plenty bright enough it's BIG and heavy and hard to wrap my hand around the end  to capture the light.  I had a toilet paper roll taped around the end but there was some complaining from the husband about me 'ruining' his good flashlight.  I also worry about dropping it on an egg or whacking an egg with it since it's solid metal and weighs about 5 lbs.

I have quite the collection of candlers and a couple packs of those flat round batteries. My favorite one is one I picked up at the gas station for $6. It's small, super bright (led) and super light weight, which makes it easy to take pics while I hold the candler and the egg in the same hand. But...it's shaped like a bullet! LOL!


I locked down the 6 bantam cochin eggs last night.  All 6 that I set were fertile and all 6 made it to lockdown.  Could see a bit of draw down this morning (through the window) 

Nice!! Can't wait to see pics!!

Hi again everyone! Been a while. :frow

Anyway- I just recently set a batch of shipped eggs, and was able to see veining in quite a few. Some of them have rather funny air cells, they were saddled at first, but now seem to have gotten worse and are completely free-floating? :confused:

They seem to have fluid in them as well. Does this mean they probably won't re-attach and are scrambled? Thanks!!

ETA: I am on Day 7.

Did you put them in a auto-turner? Bubbles is not a good thing!

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I must be a gluten for punishment. I'm getting more shipped call duck eggs from Ravyn this week. I'm also trying to get some local call eggs to set with them in case the shipped don't go so well again. I'm determined to hatch more then 1 duckling! Speaking of which, here's a new pic of my big boy. He's getting his feathers in (I hope it's a boy)...
Was there blood? It was hard to tell from the pic but something didn't look right. It looked to dark, like blood. I'm sorry you lost that one but each hatch and each loss is a HUGE learning experience. :hugs
You're cutting it close but you do usually hatch early. :fl
I have quite the collection of candlers and a couple packs of those flat round batteries. My favorite one is one I picked up at the gas station for $6. It's small, super bright (led) and super light weight, which makes it easy to take pics while I hold the candler and the egg in the same hand. But...it's shaped like a bullet! LOL!


Nice!! Can't wait to see pics!!
Did you put them in a auto-turner? Bubbles is not a good thing!
She's obviously doing it on purpose now!

Yes, I do have them in an auto turner- I am not home at turning times for several days out of the week. I did not turn it on though for 3 days. Is that okay? :fl

(Bubbles is truly not a good thing- I had an attack rooster named bubbles! :lau)
I must be a gluten for punishment. I'm getting more shipped call duck eggs from Ravyn this week. I'm also trying to get some local call eggs to set with them in case the shipped don't go so well again. I'm determined to hatch more then 1 duckling! Speaking of which, here's a new pic of my big boy. He's getting his feathers in (I hope it's a boy)...

Daww! :love
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Forehead is already bleeding.
LMAO. Right there with ya!!!

I must be a gluten for punishment. I'm getting more shipped call duck eggs from Ravyn this week. I'm also trying to get some local call eggs to set with them in case the shipped don't go so well again. I'm determined to hatch more then 1 duckling! Speaking of which, here's a new pic of my big boy. He's getting his feathers in (I hope it's a boy)...
My fingers are
and hoping you get those calls!!!!!! He is gorgeous. So adorable!

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