Hands on hatching and help

While you are right and each defect can be caused by incubation processes, when dealing with shipped eggs, defects can also be solely from the damage done at cellular levels and the jostling of the eggs. A good share of shippers I see will not write "Live" and many won't even post "fragile". Because of the theories and experiences that they've been treated worse. The box Ruby sent me she had marked "This side up" with an arrow. When I picked it up it was sitting on the counter at the P.O. On it's side. They totally disregarded any markings on the box.
That is sad.

I completely agree I just know when I had such a bad experience I was hoping someone could help me with causes because I wanted to try again and I wanted to make sure it wasn't something I was doing. I'd much rather be told what can cause it so I can make sure I'm not making the mistake a second time. It probably was from being shipped though. I had really good hatches for awhile before I started having trouble. Most likely because they were shipped although I think it's because they were bantam and they are a little harder to hatch. But either way it's nice to have someone provide the info just in case that way you don't have to pour over 1000 pages to find what your looking for. :)
You're lucky you have a good mail person. Mine sucks! He'll squeeze boxes in my mail boxes that should never be forced in there. Or he'll hang it on the outside of the box from a rubber band. Anything but bring it the few yards up the driveway. We didn't even put my address on the box for fear that they'd give it to the carrier instead of holding at the P.O.

My 2 sets that are in lockdown arrived on the same day. After tracking one and knowing it was delivered, I went home from work to take them inside, so they wouldn't be sitting outside in the heat all day. When I got home, only one box was there! But, while I was unpacking that box, I saw the mail lady come back with the second box. She apologized profusely, and I thanked her for making a special trip back with them. That box was actually marked with a "hatching eggs" label, and she noticed it. I'm not sure she would have not just waited until the next day if that hadn't been there. But still yet, that's the only box I've ever received that way, and I don't send mine out with those markings either. The only special markings I do is to draw big UP arrows, to try to keep the box upright.
You're lucky you have a good mail person. Mine sucks! He'll squeeze boxes in my mail boxes that should never be forced in there. Or he'll hang it on the outside of the box from a rubber band. Anything but bring it the few yards up the driveway. We didn't even put my address on the box for fear that they'd give it to the carrier instead of holding at the P.O.

Sorry I didn't see this.. yeah I really do feel lucky. I've had problems with delivers that come from ups or fed ex but I just love our postal worker. :) obviously not everyone is like that though. They seriously should be.
My 2 sets that are in lockdown arrived on the same day.  After tracking one and knowing it was delivered, I went home from work to take them inside, so they wouldn't be sitting outside in the heat all day.  When I got home, only one box was there!  But, while I was unpacking that box, I saw the mail lady come back with the second box.  She apologized profusely, and I thanked her for making a special trip back with them.  That box was actually marked with a "hatching eggs" label, and she noticed it.  I'm not sure she would have not just waited until the next day if that hadn't been there.  But still yet, that's the only box I've ever received that way, and I don't send mine out with those markings either.  The only special markings I do is to draw big UP arrows, to try to keep the box upright. 

Ruby did on mine, but they didn't care apparently..lol. She did have fragile as well. The box arrived in good condition. One corner had a small dent, but I was pleased with the condition. When I got my laptop and it arrived, mind you, it was sent in the Dell box so you could see what it was, there was a big gouge out of the box. I was like, really?
My 2 sets that are in lockdown arrived on the same day.  After tracking one and knowing it was delivered, I went home from work to take them inside, so they wouldn't be sitting outside in the heat all day.  When I got home, only one box was there!  But, while I was unpacking that box, I saw the mail lady come back with the second box.  She apologized profusely, and I thanked her for making a special trip back with them.  That box was actually marked with a "hatching eggs" label, and she noticed it.  I'm not sure she would have not just waited until the next day if that hadn't been there.  But still yet, that's the only box I've ever received that way, and I don't send mine out with those markings either.  The only special markings I do is to draw big UP arrows, to try to keep the box upright. 

My worst hatch came from a box that said honey. I couldn't figure it out and thought I was shipped a wrong package. I opened it up and things were all thrown around. No breaks. Only 1 developed and it died at hatch. The honey thing never made sense to me lol. The arrows are a good idea though. Even if only a few workers follow it thats 2 less times it sat upside down. :)
Thank you all. I appreciate all the advice and kind words. I found a local lady who has Collonca eggs. Very interesting and tempting. I think I'll try a small batch and hopefully can end the summer on a high note. I probably won't be using shipped eggs again for a long time until I gain back some lost confidence.
Thank you all. I appreciate all the advice and kind words. I found a local lady who has Collonca eggs. Very interesting and tempting. I think I'll try a small batch and hopefully can end the summer on a high note. I probably won't be using shipped eggs again for a long time until I gain back some lost confidence.

Good luck! I plan on setting some of my own eggs for the first time. I've only hatched shipped eggs so I'm hoping I have better luck as well. Make sure you update. :)
I was sent shipped eggs. 23 sent, 22 are developing. It's just amazing! I candled at day 6 and candled today at day 12 and they're all doing great. The seller was none other than RubyNala97. :D
That's so weird. All my eggs say live embryos and I've never had that problem. My postal workers have went he the extra mile to be careful with them. The last shipment I got the seller was 5 dollars short on postage and my postman paid it out of pocket because he had seen my live embryo boxes and brought it to me so I wouldn't have to wait another day. Also whenever he delivers now he always makes sure we know they have been delivered. He won't just leave them on the porch in the heat. I may have just got lucky though. We do live out in the country try also and lots of people probably purchase shipped eggs so maybe the post office is more familiar with them? I've never had a broken egg or damaged box though..

I've looked into this and we've talked about it on other threads. Some hatchers swear by having no labels on the box, not even the word "fragile". Others prefer all the bells and whistles (live embryos, hatching eggs, etc). I've also read one single article that says to put the word "honey" & "glass" on the box because postal workers don't want to clean up honey, maple syrup or broken glass. I've had eggs come both ways, no real difference. When I'm sending eggs I usually ask if the receiver has any special directions for the outside of the box. My norm is stickers (cus they're easier) that say "fragile" and "this end up" with an arrow.

And I've said this before but you have had amazingly good luck with all your batches of shipped eggs!!

I was sent shipped eggs. 23 sent, 22 are developing. It's just amazing! I candled at day 6 and candled today at day 12 and they're all doing great. The seller was none other than RubyNala97. :D

Thanks for the post!! I'm so very happy for you and can't wait to see those baby pics!!

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